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Andrey edited this page Mar 29, 2018 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the wiki of yogurt-maker firmware project!

This project is intent to control a yogurt-maker device by slightly modified W1209 thermostat board (see pictures below).

To have at the end some nice looking device I have choose the GL 2695. This was one of cheapest at the local market. It has no automation but only heater element and power switch.

Galaxy GL 2695

The W1209 have to be modified a bit to fit into the housing of GL 2695 yogurt-maker. This is the picture of it before modifications. W1209 board

The following modifications was done (see the picture below):

  1. Remove two 2p screw terminal blocks (green ones on picture) and solder them on back side of the board.
  2. Remove the relay, drill a pin-hole on the board and solder it on back side. Connect the pin of relay by the piece of wire to the pin of terminal block.
  3. Remove the connector of temperature sensor and solder it on back side of the board.
  4. Solder a 47..100nf SMD capacitor between reset pad and ground pad of the programming connector. This capacitor suppress surges on the line of the MCU which are induced by the relay switching operation.
  5. Solder 4-pin connector on back side to have ST-Link programming device connected.

Front side of the modified W1209 board Back side of the modified W1209 board

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