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Hi there, source peeker!

Here is where you can find the code belonging to the personal website of software engineer Jose Antonio Escribano

Below you find a list of important information and details, that I use on a daily basis, or I will need in the future if I haven't worked on the project for a long time ☺

On A Daily Basis

Every time I am about to start working on the project, node needs to be activated by running:

# don't forget to activate node before start using gulp !!!
nvm use

# and enjoy watching your project
gulp watch

Folder Structure

Find below the project structure so people can find its way...

+ app/
  | + _kit/                       # generated automatically (don't touch when developing)
  | + _pages/                     # kit files
      |-- _index.kit              # working code for index.html page
      | ...

  | + _src/                       # partial files to be included in pages (includes)
      |-- _head.kit
      |-- _footer.kit
      | ...

  | + assets/                     # files not related with code
      | + ai/                     # Illustrator files
      | + psd/                    # Photoshop files
      | ...

  | + bower_components/           # bower components
  | + fonts/                      # external fonts
  | + images/                     # images to be included in project
  | + scripts/                    # javascript files
  | + styles/
      | + base/                   # reset, typography, site-wide
      |   |-- _index.scss         # imports for all base styles
      |   |-- _base.scss          # base styles
      |   |-- _normalize.scss     # normalize v3.0.1
      |   |-- _susy-setup.scss    # global layouts definitions
      |   |-- _breakpoints.scss   # media queries for different devices
      | + layout/                 # major components, e.g., header, footer etc.
      |   |-- _index.scss         # imports for all layout styles
      |   | ...
      | + modules/                # minor components, e.g., buttons, widgets etc.
      |   |-- _index.scss         # imports for all modules
      |   | ...
      | + utilities/              # non-CSS outputs (i.e. mixins, variables) & non-modules
      |   |-- _index.scss         # imports for all mixins + global project variables
      |   |-- _fonts.scss         # @font-face mixins
      |   |-- _functions.scss     # ems to rems conversion, etc.
      |   |-- _global.scss        # global variables
      |   |-- _helpers.scss       # placeholder helper classes
      |   |-- _mixins.scss        # media queries, CSS3, etc.
      |   |-- _lib.scss           # imports for third party styles
      |   | + lib/                # third party styles
      |       | _content-carousel.scss
      |       | ...
      |   |-- _vendor-prefixes.scss # mixins for all vendor prefixes
      |-- main.scss               # primary Sass file
      |-- _shame.scss             # because hacks happen ☺

gulp commands

Find below a list of the commands related to gulp and ready to use!

# runs the specified task (gulpfile.js)
gulp [taskname]

# starts gulp and runs the watch task
gulp watch

# cleans the dist and _kit folder
gulp clean

# emptys the build cache
gulp clear-cache

# makes a build into the dist folder
gulp build

Cloning the repository

It might be possible that the next version of the site comes in some months, years, decades? from now. I might not even have the same laptop. If this is the case, go and clone the repository by openning the terminal, going to the projects folder and pasting the code below:

git clone share-is-evolve

After cloning the repository locally, both node and bower dependencies need to be installed in your computer:

# installing node dependencies
npm install

# installing bower dependencies
bower install

Finally don't forget to activate node before starting to work on the project. Only then you could start using gulp !!!

# activating node
nvm use

Congratulations! Now you can start working on the latest version of the project!


Personal Website of Software Engineer Jose Antonio Escribano






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