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 __  __       _  __             _    ___    ____            _    _____  ____  
|  \/  |_   _| |/ /___ ____    / \  |_ _|  |  _ \ ___  __ _| |  / / _ \/ ___| 
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|_|  |_|\__, |_|\_\___/___(_)_/   \_\___|  |_| \_\___|\__,_|_/_/  \___/|____/ 
        |___/ MyKoz.AI Real/OS Tow-It-Ism: Small Portable Lifelong Linux Tech

              Here's how it works                              Tow it
            _______________________          (\              /)
           |    Windows 10 or 11   |       ___\\____________//__
           |     ____ ____         |      |   MyKoz.AI Real/OS  |
           |  ,_/site\____\______. |      |   Linux Subsystem!  |
           |  |                  | |      |  _________________  |
           |  |    WEB BROWSER   | |      | |  screen session | |
           |  |  localhost:8888 <------------> Jupyter Server | |
           |__|                  |_|      | |_________________| |
              '------------------'        |_____________________|

You now have Windows Subsystem for Linux installed with JupyterLab running as a
Linux service reachable from your browser http://localhost:8888 password is foo

- You can visit the URL directly: http://localhost:8888
- You can use the URL Icon that's been left out on your Desktop.
- You can turn it into a "stand-alone" app with Microsoft Edge.

The password is: foo

This JupyterLab installation on Windows is unlike that of other installers such
as Anaconda or JupyterLab-Desktop because it's genuinely backended by Linux and
that makes all the difference. Right now as you read this, there's a 24x7 x365
"daemon" running that you can step in and take control of using a plain Jupyter
Notebook, thus starting your Linux Wizard practice.

Of course this Linux service will "sleep" with your Laptop, but it's a 1st step.

Once you're in Jupyter, find the folder named `Intro` and run the Notebook named
`Intro.ipynb` which starts you on your Linux, Python, vim & git (LPvg) journey.


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