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SQLite Koans

Companion code for SQLite Koans

This project configures sqlite3 for real world apps:

✅ Foreign Keys

✅ Read as you Write

✅ Write-Ahead Logging

UTF-8 encoding

✅ graceful table lock error handling via PRAGMA busy_timeout;

✅ No empty or null primary keys

✅ WAL backup via checkpointing

The repo has a commit covering each koan that we tie to a particular PRAGMA config flag:


Depends On

SQLite Version 3.40.1

Ubuntu apt version is outdated on both Ubuntu 20 and 22

Build SQLite from source

1. Install Build Tools

gcc is required for CGO bindings used by mattn/go-sqlite3

sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc

1a. confirm gcc installation

gcc --version

2. Install latest SQLite snapshot (~v3.40.1 minimum)

export SQLITE_SNAPSHOT=202301131932
wget "${SQLITE_SNAPSHOT}.tar.gz"
tar -xzvf sqlite-snapshot-$SQLITE_SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
cd sqlite-snapshot-$SQLITE_SNAPSHOT
sudo make install

3. Verify sqlite3 install

❯ sqlite3
SQLite version 3.40.2 2023-01-13 19:32:19
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.