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Python Manager

This repository outlines scripts and configurations for managing multiple Python environments. It facilitates easy switching between two Python versions, referred to as p0 and p2.


Bash Configuration

To set up the aliases in Bash for environment switching, add these lines to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

alias p0='/path/to/python310/python'
alias p2='/path/to/python312/python'
alias p0m='/path/to/python310/python -m pip'
alias p2m='/path/to/python312/python -m pip'
alias p0i='/path/to/python310/python -m pip install'
alias p2i='/path/to/python312/python -m pip install'

Replace /path/to/python310 and /path/to/python312 with the actual paths to your Python installations.

PowerShell Configuration

For PowerShell users, include this function in your PowerShell profile script (typically located at $HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1):

function Set-PythonEnvironment {
    param (
    if ($version -eq "p0") {
        $Global:PYTHON_COMMAND = "/path/to/python310/python"
    } elseif ($version -eq "p2") {
        $Global:PYTHON_COMMAND = "/path/to/python312/python"
    } else {
        Write-Host "Version not recognized."

    $Global:PIP_COMMAND = "$Global:PYTHON_COMMAND -m pip"

function python {
    & $Global:PYTHON_COMMAND $args

function pip {
    & $Global:PIP_COMMAND $args

Replace /path/to/python310 and /path/to/python312 with your specific Python paths.


In Bash

  • Switch environments using p0 for Python 310 and p2 for Python 312.
  • Directly install packages using p0i package_name for Python 310 and p2i package_name for Python 312.

In PowerShell

  • Set the environment using Set-PythonEnvironment p0 for Python 310 or Set-PythonEnvironment p2 for Python 312.
  • Run Python scripts with python
  • Manage Python packages with pip install package_name.
