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Releases: microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin

TypeScript 4.8.2

25 Aug 21:59
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This release updates TypeScript to 4.8 and provides syntax highlighting changes.

TypeScript 4.7.2

24 May 17:45
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This release updates TypeScript to 4.7 and provides syntax highlighting changes.

TypeScript 4.6.2

24 Feb 19:41
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This release updates TypeScript to 4.6 and provides syntax highlighting changes.

TypeScript 4.4.2

26 Aug 20:49
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This release updates TypeScript to 4.4.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes and updates for new language constructs

TypeScript 4.3.2

26 May 17:22
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This release updates TypeScript to 4.3.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes and updates for new language constructs.

TypeScript 4.2.2

23 Feb 21:35
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This release updates TypeScript to 4.2.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes and updates for new language constructs.

It also contains

TypeScript 3.9.2

12 May 18:13
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This release updates TypeScript to 3.9.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes and updates for new language constructs.

  • Correctly load Sublime settings in certain scenarios (#741, thanks to @aNickPlx)
  • Correclty use log.debug instead of print, which avoids emitting to the console (#742, thanks to @evandrocoan)

TypeScript 3.8.2

20 Feb 19:31
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This release updates TypeScript to 3.8.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes and updates for new language constructs.

Additionally, it contains the following fixes and improvements:

  • Provides a copy link for hover tooltips (#724, thanks to @kylebebak)
  • Provides a more Sublime-like experience for tabbing through completions (#733, thanks to @matthandlersux)
  • Correctly displays Signature Help when started from subl (#734, thanks to @adill)
  • Provides the node_args, tsserver_args, and tsserver_env options (#730, thanks to @mattbroussard)

Update for Displaying Errors

15 Nov 18:40
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TypeScript 3.7.2

05 Nov 15:47
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This release updates TypeScript to 3.7.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes, as well as support for new TypeScript syntax.

Thanks to @bertilnilsson, it also includes new options to change the way that errors are surfaced in Sublime Text. Errors can be displayed in the gutter using the error_icon setting, and errors can be set to use outlines with the error_outlined setting. See more information here.