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This repository contains the source code of the NMDC EDGE web application.

The NMDC EDGE web application is the web-based interface through which researchers can access the NMDC EDGE platform. The NMDC EDGE platform is a Cromwell-based system researchers can use to process omics data using standardized bioinformatics workflows.

You can learn more about the NMDC EDGE platform by reading the NMDC EDGE tutorials.

Table of contents


Here's a diagram depicting the architecture of the NMDC EDGE platform, including how the NMDC EDGE web application fits into it.

graph LR
    %% Nodes:
    user["Web Browser"]
    cromwell["Workflow Management System<br>(Cromwell)"]
    subgraph "NMDC EDGE Web Application"
      %% Nodes:
      client["Web Client<br>(React.js)"]
      server["Web Server<br>(Express.js)"]
    %% Relationships:
    user --> client
    client --> server
    server --> db
    server --> cromwell
    cromwell --> workers

Here's a list of the main technologies upon which the NMDC EDGE web application is built:


Development stack

This repository includes a container-based development stack consisting of three containers:

  • webapp - runs the NMDC EDGE web application
  • mongo - runs a MongoDB server
  • cromwell - runs a Cromwell server

You can use the development stack to run the NMDC EDGE web application locally.


  • Docker is installed on your computer.
    • For example, version 24:
      $ docker --version
      Docker version 24.0.6, build ed223bc
  • The "client build" configuration file (i.e. webapp/client/.env) is populated.
    • You can initialize it based upon the corresponding example file:
      cp webapp/client/.env.example webapp/client/.env

      Those environment variables are used within webapp/client/src/config.js.

  • The server configuration file (i.e. webapp/server/.env) is populated.
    • You can initialize it based upon the corresponding example file:
      cp webapp/server/.env.example webapp/server/.env

      Those environment variables are used within webapp/server/config.js.


You can spin up the development stack by running the following command in the root directory of the repository:

docker compose up

Alternatively, if you've made any changes to the Dockerfile since the last time you ran that command, run it with the --build option so those changes take effect.

docker compose up --build

Note: Building a new container image can take several minutes; whereas starting up an existing container image usually takes only a few seconds.


Once the development stack is up and running, you can access various pieces of it from your computer as shown here:

title: Accessing parts of the development stack
graph LR
    %% Links:
    host -- "$ cd ./io" --> io
    host -- "$ curl http://localhost:8000" --> server
    host -- "$ curl http://localhost:8001" --> cromwell_server
    host -- "$ docker compose exec webapp sh" --> webapp_shell
    webapp_shell -- "# mongo --host mongo:27017" --> db
    webapp_shell -- "# cd /app/io" --> io
    host -- "$ mongo --host localhost:27017" --> db
    webapp_shell -- "# wget -q -O- http://cromwell:8000" --> cromwell_server
    subgraph WebAppContainer["webapp container"]
        server["Web server"]
        webapp_shell["Bourne shell (sh)"]
    subgraph MongoContainer["mongo container"]
        db["MongoDB server"]
    subgraph CromwellContainer["cromwell container"]
        cromwell_server["Cromwell server"]
    subgraph Host["Host"]
        host["Terminal<br>(You are here)"]
        io[("IO directory")]


Building and publishing the container image

Here's how you can build and deploy new versions of the webapp container image.


You can build a new version of the webapp container image by issuing one of the following commands:

  • If the architecture of the computer you're using to build the image, and the architecture of the computer on which containers based upon the image will run, are the same (e.g. both are arm64, or both are AMD64); then you can use this command to build the image (replace {some_tag} with a unique identifier for this version, such as v1.2.3):

    docker build -f webapp-node20.Dockerfile \
                 -t nmdc-edge-web-app:{some_tag} .
    $ docker build -f webapp-node20.Dockerfile -t nmdc-edge-web-app:v1.2.3 .
  • If the architecture of the computer you're using to build the image is arm64 (e.g. an M1 Mac), and the architecture of the computer on which containers based upon the image will run is AMD64; then you can use this command to build the image (replace {some_tag} with a unique identifier for this version, such as v1.2.3):

    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 \
                        -f webapp-node20.Dockerfile \
                        -t nmdc-edge-web-app:some-tag .
    $ docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f webapp-node20.Dockerfile -t nmdc-edge-web-app:v1.2.3 .


Here's how you can publish the newly-built container image to GitHub Container Registry (GHCR).

  1. Get the ID of the newly-built container image.

    docker images
    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY         TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED       SIZE
    nmdc-edge-web-app  v1.2.3  365743f24303  1 minute ago  1.35GB
  2. Give the container image a tag that begins with (replace {image_id} with the ID of the container image, and replace {some_tag} with the tag you want the container image to have when published).

    docker tag {image_id}{some_tag}
    $ docker tag 365743f24303
  3. Upload the container image to GitHub Container Registry (GHCR) (replace {some_tag} with the same tag you used in the previous step):

    docker push{some_tag}
    $ docker push
    The push refers to repository []
    1990b48a8037: Pushing [====================>          ]  35.07MB/64.54MB
    c60069b08109: Pushing [====>                          ]   37.4MB/271.3MB
    986a439534f8: Pushing [===>                           ]  47.53MB/440.2MB
    7f3870580da8: Pushed
    ff224f440bfc: Pushed
    d4fc045c9e3a: Waiting   
  4. Verify the container image is listed on GHCR.


Instantiating the container image

Coming soon...