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Build and Prove Tests Generate Documentation

Spark_Unbound offers generic unbound data structures in Ada-Spark. All data structures are proven with Spark to achieve platinum level (functional correctness) and the allocation handles Storage_Error internally. So only a Stack Overflow might happen.

Note: Using tools like GNATstack can resolve this last error

Added Types

Long_Natural and Long_Positive are defined using Long_Integer in Spark_Unbound like Natural and Positive are defined for Integer.

This allows to use Long_Natural as return value for the array length.

According to the GNAT reference manual at implementation defined characteristics, Integer should only represent signed 32-bit even for 64-bit targets. Therefore, I decided to switch to Long_Integer as base to support 64-bit signed integers on 64-bit targets.

Note: Long_Integer might still be signed 32-bit on a 64-bit target, but for most targets it should be signed 64-bit.

Supported Data Structures


Note: Currently, Unbound_Array is the only supported unbound data structure.

This data structure is defined in the Spark_Unbound.Arrays package with according functions and procedures and is intended as a safe replacement of Ada.Containers.Vectors with notable restrictions for creating Unbound_Arrays and removing the Cursor type. All procedures that might fail have a Success output that states if the execution was successful.

Internally, Unbound_Array uses an array that is dynamically allocated and resized on the heap.

Note: The maximum length of an Unbound_Array is constrained by Spark_Unbound.Long_Natural'Range_Length since Capacity and Length return Spark_Unbound.Long_Natural. This also means that the biggest possible index_type is Spark_Unbound.Long_Positive (Hint: first = last => 1 element in array).

Current missing functionality:

  • Insert, Prepend, Reverse_Elements, Swap and indexed deletion is not yet implemented
  • The sub-package Generic_Sorting is not yet implemented
  • Other functions/procedures available in Ada.Containers.Vectors might never be implemented

Below is an example on how to use Unbound_Array:

with Spark_Unbound.Arrays;

procedure Test is
  package UA_Integer is new Spark_Unbound.Arrays(Element_Type => Integer, Index_Type => Positive);
  Test_UA : UA_Integer.Unbound_Array := UA_Integer.To_Unbound_Array(Initial_Capacity => 3);
  Success : Boolean;
  -- Fill Array
  UA_Integer.Append(Test_UA, 1, Success);
  UA_Integer.Append(Test_UA, 2, Success);
  UA_Integer.Append(Test_UA, 3, Success);

  -- Now Append() needs to resize
  UA_Integer.Append(Test_UA, 4, Success);
end Test;

Note: You should check for Success after every call to Append().

Safe Allocation

Spark can prove absence of runtime errors except Storage_Error, but as discussed in an issue at AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs, it is possible to catch Storage_Error for heap allocations. Since handling exceptions is not supported in Spark, the generic package Safe_Alloc is a wrapper with a small part not in Spark that handles Storage_Error and returns null in that case.

Below is an example on how to use Safe_Alloc:

with Spark_Unbound.Safe_Alloc;

procedure Test is
  type Alloc_Record is record
    V1 : Integer;
    V2 : Natural;
    V3 : Positive;
  end record;

  type Record_Acc is access Alloc_Record;
  package Record_Alloc is new Spark_Unbound.Safe_Alloc.Definite(T => Alloc_Record, T_Acc => Record_Acc);
  Rec_Acc : Record_Acc;
  Rec_Acc := Record_Alloc.Alloc; -- Note: No `new` is set before 

  -- check if Rec_Acc is NOT null and then do something

end Test;


Since Spark does not prove generics directly, some instances are used per data structure trying to cover most type ranges. Those types are located under tests/src/prove_unbound.adb.

The following command executes GNATprove to prove all data structures instantiated in prove_unbound.adb:

gnatprove -Ptests.gpr -j0 -u prove_unbound.adb --level=4 --proof-warnings

Note: As the chosen instance dictates the conducted proves, it is best to run GNATprove on your own instance.


Tests are set up in the tests subdirectory using AUnit to verify the Safe_Alloc part that is not in Spark and some functionality of every data structure to serve as a kind of usage guide.

To run tests manually, move to the tests directory and run

alr run


Spark_Unbound is available as crate in the Alire package manager. To use the crate in an Alire project, add it with

alr with spark_unbound

Note: To use Alire with GNAT studio, I use a small Python script as GPS plugin to automatically set needed environment variables.


Feedback is very much welcomed as I am very new to Ada.

My focus at the moment is to fix the following GitHub issues:

Any help with them is greatly appreciated.


MIT Licensed

Note: The doc-branch contains API documentation that was automatically generated by GNATdoc, whose license restrictions for generated files depends on your version of GNATdoc.

Note: If you use this library somewhere, sending me a private message or so would be really nice 🙂