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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


This application is dependency managed using Carthage, the decentralized package manager for iOS frameworks. Ensure you have Carthage installed by running

brew install carthage

if you don't have brew installed on your machine, get it here: homebrew

If you haven't used Carthage in a while, or run into problems building dependencies, make sure your carthage binary is up to date with

brew update


Makefile contains quick shortcuts for basic activities in the command line.


First install the dependencies for the project using Carthage:

make install

Once carthage finishes downloading and building the dependencies open xcodeproj and build (⌘B) the project to ensure the dependency installation went smoothly.

Entitlements / Capabilities

i imagine the entitlements will be messed up given their account based nature? Make sure for both the application target as well as (i always forget this part) the extension target have the required capabilities pointing to the same containers:

  • icloud:
  • app groups:

if for whatever reason you need to specify different values for those containers you'll need to change the hard coded strings at the top of CoreDataStack.swift to match:

/// the id of the shared group for the applications
let appGroupID = ""

/// the id for the CloudKit container
let cloudKitContainerID = ""



This application is sample code not intended for production use. It was designed as a tool to help resolve bugs.

Built With

  • SyncKit - Syncs the core data store with the users CloudKit container


Do whatever you like with anything in this repository. I do require that you please remove my name from anything that you might alter.


Testing SyncKit in an app that uses App Groups






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