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Releases: mendix/widgets-tools

Pluggable Widgets Generator v10.7.2


  • We updated react-native dependency for the Yeoman generator from 0.70.7 to 0.72.7.

Pluggable Widgets Tools v10.7.2


  • We fixed an issue where the rollup process would sometimes hang and prevent the widget build/release script from completing.


  • We moved Pluggable Widgets Tools dependencies marked as external in rollup configuration files to devDependencies in the package.json.

  • We synced the version of @types/react package.

  • We synced the versions of resolution and override packages.


  • We added a new configuration file named jest.enzyme-free.config.js that doesn't include enzyme as a dependency.

  • We improved the widget migration script to exclude web dependencies for native widgets and vice versa.

Pluggable Widgets Tools v10.7.1


  • We fixed an issue where rollup warnings about use client and use server were causing bundling failures.

Pluggable Widgets Generator v10.7.1


  • We updated pluggable-widgets-tools dependency from ^10.5.0 to ^10.7.1.

Pluggable Widgets Tools v10.7.0


  • We updated the Mendix package to version 10.7.26214.

Pluggable Widgets Generator v10.5.1


  • We introduced an easier way to scaffold a pluggable widget using an npx command without the need to install Yeoman Generator and the @mendix/generator-widget package.

Pluggable Widgets Tools v10.5.1


  • We fixed an issue where migration caused a misalignment between versions for react, react-dom, react-native packages and their corresponding @types packages.

Pluggable Widgets Tools v10.5.0


  • We updated the Mendix package to version 10.5.21627.

Pluggable Widgets Generator v10.5.0


  • We updated the templates package_web.json and package_native.json to use @mendix/pluggable-widgets-tools version 10.5.0.

Pluggable Widgets Tools v10.0.1


  • We fixed a bug in rollup-plugin-assets causing assets url on windows to not have the correct path separator (Ticket 194099).


  • We removed watch option from base config for typescript