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'the answer to life, the universe, and issue #2' release

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@meladroit meladroit released this 03 Oct 14:59
· 16 commits to master since this release

Good things in this release:

  • Efforts by the usual suspects (i.e. suloku and ctrulib maintainers) have brought you a solution to issue #2 at long last—svdt will auto-detect digital titles thanks to a function previously overlooked in APT:U. It will still ask for confirmation, but the default choice should be the correct title. (The only reason this is still v0.10.x is because this feature is so long overdue that svdt doesn't deserve a version jump because of it.)
  • Based on the above, svdt finally automatically fetches secure values for digital titles at startup based on the product code, rather than shady filesystem-based guesses. Again, svdt will ask for confirmation, and if svdt is somehow wrong at startup, it will re-fetch secure values based on the correction.
  • suloku has also implemented some secure value handling for MH4U/MH4G involving blowfish decryption and re-encryption, and would be the person to contact about this functionality in case of any problems (or successes!).

asr.dat is now recommended, as it doesn't seem to cause problems.