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Releases: mderrick/react-html5video


26 Jul 17:55
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22 Feb 19:13
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Version 2 is here!

There are some considerable changes in this version as there are now two distinct products.

The DefaultPlayer

There is a default video component that can be used right off the bat. This can be embedded into your application and customised slightly as per the documentation. These customisations are simple. Larger customisations should use the higher order component.

The HoC

The higher order component is what powers the DefaultPlayer. The main goal of v2 is that developers will use the HoC to access all the HTMLMediaElement properties in their custom component in a simplified and concise way keeping presentation separate from implementation. In essence it behaves much like react-redux connect does but instead of connecting your component to store state and dispatch; it instead connects your component to all HTMLMediaElement properties and the HTML5 video element itself.

All changes:

  1. No more magic! Custom controls are no longer provided as children to the <Video/> where we automagically provide the HTMLMediaElement properties as props. This is the biggest change that means the API to use v2 is now completely different and not backwards compatible. Apologies but we needed to move towards better composability.

  2. We now offer a higher order component as described above.

  3. Small design changes to the DefaultPlayer.

  4. Everything is now thoroughly tested.

  5. The development and deployment process has been improved. It is much easier for others to develop and also much easier for myself to publish. We will be deploying more iteratively and more often. I promise to fix more bugs.

  6. Bower has gone because bower is dead.

  7. We now use CSS modules. It's very unlikely you will have a CSS class clash with the DefaultPlayer. This does mean it is not possible to customise with CSS alone but this is good news as it means you will probably use the HoC to make your own custom videos which is much better.

  8. Captions support added to DefaultPlayer.

  9. Fixed bug #55 and #56

Release 1.4.0

02 Dec 15:49
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  • Playback speed API


01 Dec 09:56
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  • Fix time stamp for other timezones
  • Add style prop to container not video


31 Jul 12:05
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  • Allow custom media event props passed to component to receive the event object.
  • #35 Stop throwing error when unmounting the video with react router or equivalent


27 Jul 19:24
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  • Update readme with documentation on raising issues and a jsfiddle for replicating them.
  • Smooth the seek bar and volume controls so dragging is no longer janky.


17 Jul 13:36
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Fix copyKeys prop bug #36
Allow custom className to be added to Video component #38