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React Learning Series: Production Grade Projects

Welcome to the React Learning Series! This comprehensive series aims to provide hands-on experience and deep understanding of React by building a variety of projects. Each project is carefully crafted to cover different aspects of React development, from fundamental concepts to advanced techniques. By completing these projects, you'll not only gain practical experience but also master the intricacies of React.

Projects Overview

  1. 01basicreact: In this project, you'll delve into the internals of React by creating your own React library. By understanding how React works under the hood, you'll gain valuable insights into its core principles and architecture.

  2. 01vitereact: Explore modern tooling with Vite, a next-generation build tool for React applications. Learn how to set up a React project quickly and efficiently using Vite, and leverage its features to streamline your development workflow.

  3. 02counter: Dive into React's component-based architecture by building a simple counter application. Explore state management and component lifecycle methods while creating a basic yet essential functionality.

  4. 03tailwindProps: Enhance your React projects by integrating Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework. Discover how to leverage Tailwind's utility classes to style your components efficiently and maintainable.

  5. 04bgChanger: Experiment with dynamic styling in React by creating a background changer application. Utilize React's state management to dynamically update the background color based on user interaction.

  6. 05passwordGenerator: Explore data manipulation and interaction in React by building a password generator application. Implement functionality to generate secure passwords and enable users to copy them to the clipboard.

  7. 06currencyConvertorMain: Learn about data fetching and API handling in React by developing a currency converter application. Utilize React's useEffect hook to fetch exchange rates from an API and perform currency conversion.

  8. 07reactRouter: Master client-side routing in React with React Router. Build a multi-page application and implement navigation between different routes using React Router's declarative approach.

  9. 08miniContext: Understand state management in React with the Context API. Create a mini context to share data between components without the need for prop drilling, improving code maintainability and scalability.

  10. 09themeSwitcher: Extend your knowledge of state management with the Context API by implementing a theme switcher application. Enable users to toggle between light and dark themes seamlessly.

  11. 10todoContextLocal: Combine state management with local storage in React to build a todo application. Utilize the Context API to manage todo state and persist data across browser sessions using local storage.

  12. 11todoReduxToolkit: Deepen your understanding of state management with Redux and Redux Toolkit. Build a todo application using Redux Toolkit to simplify Redux boilerplate and streamline state management.

  13. 12MegaBlog: Embark on a full-stack journey with React by developing a mega blog website. Utilize Appwrite Backend as a Service for authentication, authorization, and real-time data synchronization. Implement advanced components and features to create a production-ready blog platform.

How to Use This Series

Each project comes with detailed instructions and codebase. Start by selecting a project that interests you and navigate to the project folder. Follow the file for step-by-step guidance on setting up and running the project. As you progress through the series, you'll build upon your knowledge and skills, gradually advancing from basic concepts to more complex applications.


This React Learning Series welcomes contributions from the community! If you have suggestions for new projects, enhancements to existing projects, or additional resources to share, feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Together, we can make this series even more valuable for React developers worldwide.


This learning series is provided under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Embark on your journey to mastery with React through this comprehensive learning series! Happy coding!