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Pharmacy Information Management System


The application is divided into a frontend and backend service. For an initial setup run npm install in both the frontend and backend subdirectories. This will install the dependencies required for each of the services.

Running backend and frontend

Run the individual services by either launching both of them independently or using pm2 innately through Docker.

Running independently

To run them individually you will need to open a terminal window in each of the frontend and backend subdirectories. From there you will need to run npm start in each of the terminal windows.

By default, the frontend will start on port 5050 (defined in frontend/.env) and the backend will start on port 5051 (defined in backend/env.json).

To configure the frontend to start on different port, set the PORT environment variable to the desired port; e.g. PORT=5050 npm start, or create a frontend/.env.local to override PORT.

To configure the backend to start on a different port, set the BACKEND_PORT environment variable to the desired port; e.g.
BACKEND_PORT=5051 npm start.

These environment variables, and others, can also be set in the pm2 configuration file for the individual service entries.

Once running both the frontend and backend systems, open http://localhost:5050 in your browser to view the application.

Using pm2

pm2 is used in our Dockerized REMS Integration Prototype setup for production to start both the frontend and the backend services. It is not used in development due to a bug with hot-reloading code changes in the two services.


This application requires node.js v20.0 or greater. Using nvm is optional, but easier when managing different node.js versions.

  • nvm install 20
  • nvm use 20 or nvm use default 20, as most of the REMS Integration Prototype repositories are compatible with node v20.0.