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fix probability being unbounded
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nossr50 committed Apr 6, 2024
1 parent aecf17a commit b6e512b
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Showing 8 changed files with 187 additions and 84 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Changelog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
Version 2.2.005
Fixed a bug where certain skills such as Dodge/Arrow Deflect had no skill cap and would continue improving forever
Reduced messages on startup for SQL DB
(API) Constructor for ProbabilityImpl now takes a raw value between 0 and 1 instead of an inflated percentage
(API) Added some convenience methods to Probability, and ProbabilityUtil classes
(Codebase) Added more unit tests revolving around Probability/RNG

Version 2.2.004
Fixed bug where values from Experience_Formula.Skill_Multiplier were not functioning

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -1037,13 +1037,13 @@ private void updateStructure(String tableName, String columnName, String columnS
try (Connection connection = getConnection(PoolIdentifier.MISC)) {
if (!columnExists(connection, mcMMO.p.getGeneralConfig().getMySQLDatabaseName(), tablePrefix+tableName, columnName)) {
try (Statement createStatement = connection.createStatement()) {"[SQLDB Check] Adding column '" + columnName + "' to table '" + tablePrefix + tableName + "'...");
//"[SQLDB Check] Adding column '" + columnName + "' to table '" + tablePrefix + tableName + "'...");
String startingLevel = "'" + mcMMO.p.getAdvancedConfig().getStartingLevel() + "'";
createStatement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + tablePrefix + tableName + "` "
+ "ADD COLUMN `" + columnName + "` int(" + columnSize + ") unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT " + startingLevel);
} else {"[SQLDB Check] Column '" + columnName + "' already exists in table '" + tablePrefix + tableName + "', looks good!");
//"[SQLDB Check] Column '" + columnName + "' already exists in table '" + tablePrefix + tableName + "', looks good!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // Consider more robust logging
Expand All @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ private void updateStructure(String tableName, String columnName, String columnS

private boolean columnExists(Connection connection, String database, String tableName, String columnName) throws SQLException {"[SQLDB Check] Checking if column '" + columnName + "' exists in table '" + tableName + "'");
//"[SQLDB Check] Checking if column '" + columnName + "' exists in table '" + tableName + "'");
try (Statement createStatement = connection.createStatement()) {
String sql = "SELECT `COLUMN_NAME`\n" +
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48 changes: 40 additions & 8 deletions src/main/java/com/gmail/nossr50/util/random/
@@ -1,10 +1,21 @@

import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

public interface Probability {
* A Probability that always fails.
Probability ALWAYS_FAILS = () -> 0;

* A Probability that always succeeds.
Probability ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS = () -> 1;

* The value of this Probability
* Should return a result between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
Expand All @@ -17,19 +28,40 @@ public interface Probability {
double getValue();

* Create a new Probability with the given value
* A value of 100 would represent 100% chance of success
* A value of 50 would represent 50% chance of success
* A value of 0 would represent 0% chance of success
* A value of 1 would represent 1% chance of success
* A value of 0.5 would represent 0.5% chance of success
* A value of 0.01 would represent 0.01% chance of success
* Create a new Probability of a percentage.
* This method takes a percentage and creates a Probability of equivalent odds.
* A value of 100 would represent 100% chance of success,
* A value of 50 would represent 50% chance of success,
* A value of 0 would represent 0% chance of success,
* A value of 1 would represent 1% chance of success,
* A value of 0.5 would represent 0.5% chance of success,
* A value of 0.01 would represent 0.01% chance of success.
* @param percentage the value of the probability
* @return a new Probability with the given value
static @NotNull Probability ofPercent(double percentage) {
return new ProbabilityImpl(percentage);
if (percentage < 0) {
throw new ValueOutOfBoundsException("Value should never be negative for Probability! This suggests a coding mistake, contact the devs!");

// Convert to a 0-1 floating point representation
double probabilityValue = percentage / 100.0D;
return new ProbabilityImpl(probabilityValue);

* Create a new Probability of a value.
* This method takes a value between 0 and 1 and creates a Probability of equivalent odds.
* A value of 1 or greater represents something that will always succeed.
* A value of around 0.5 represents something that succeeds around half the time.
* A value of 0 represents something that will always fail.
* @param value the value of the probability
* @return a new Probability with the given value
static @NotNull Probability ofValue(double value) {
return new ProbabilityImpl(value);

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33 changes: 12 additions & 21 deletions src/main/java/com/gmail/nossr50/util/random/
Expand Up @@ -8,31 +8,22 @@ public class ProbabilityImpl implements Probability {
private final double probabilityValue;

* Create a probability with a static value
* Create a probability from a static value.
* A value of 0 represents a 0% chance of success,
* A value of 1 represents a 100% chance of success.
* A value of 0.5 represents a 50% chance of success.
* A value of 0.01 represents a 1% chance of success.
* And so on.
* @param percentage the percentage value of the probability
* @param value the value of the probability between 0 and 100
ProbabilityImpl(double percentage) throws ValueOutOfBoundsException {
if (percentage < 0) {
throw new ValueOutOfBoundsException("Value should never be negative for Probability! This suggests a coding mistake, contact the devs!");
public ProbabilityImpl(double value) throws ValueOutOfBoundsException {
if (value < 0) {
throw new ValueOutOfBoundsException("Value should never be negative for Probability!" +
" This suggests a coding mistake, contact the devs!");

// Convert to a 0-1 floating point representation
probabilityValue = percentage / 100.0D;

ProbabilityImpl(double xPos, double xCeiling, double probabilityCeiling) throws ValueOutOfBoundsException {
if(probabilityCeiling > 100) {
throw new ValueOutOfBoundsException("Probability Ceiling should never be above 100!");
} else if (probabilityCeiling < 0) {
throw new ValueOutOfBoundsException("Probability Ceiling should never be below 0!");

//Get the percent success, this will be from 0-100
double probabilityPercent = (probabilityCeiling * (xPos / xCeiling));

//Convert to a 0-1 floating point representation
this.probabilityValue = probabilityPercent / 100.0D;
probabilityValue = value;

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74 changes: 58 additions & 16 deletions src/main/java/com/gmail/nossr50/util/random/
Expand Up @@ -79,24 +79,24 @@ static SkillProbabilityType getProbabilityType(@NotNull SubSkillType subSkillTyp
switch (getProbabilityType(subSkillType)) {
double probabilityCeiling;
double xCeiling;
double xPos;
double skillLevel;
double maxBonusLevel; // If a skill level is equal to the cap, it has the full probability

if (player != null) {
McMMOPlayer mmoPlayer = UserManager.getPlayer(player);
if (mmoPlayer == null) {
return Probability.ofPercent(0);
xPos = mmoPlayer.getSkillLevel(subSkillType.getParentSkill());
skillLevel = mmoPlayer.getSkillLevel(subSkillType.getParentSkill());
} else {
xPos = 0;
skillLevel = 0;

//Probability ceiling is configurable in this type
probabilityCeiling = mcMMO.p.getAdvancedConfig().getMaximumProbability(subSkillType);
//The xCeiling is configurable in this type
xCeiling = mcMMO.p.getAdvancedConfig().getMaxBonusLevel(subSkillType);
return new ProbabilityImpl(xPos, xCeiling, probabilityCeiling);
maxBonusLevel = mcMMO.p.getAdvancedConfig().getMaxBonusLevel(subSkillType);
return calculateCurrentSkillProbability(skillLevel, 0, probabilityCeiling, maxBonusLevel);
try {
return getStaticRandomChance(subSkillType);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,14 +127,36 @@ static SkillProbabilityType getProbabilityType(@NotNull SubSkillType subSkillTyp
* @return true if the Skill RNG succeeds, false if it fails
public static boolean isSkillRNGSuccessful(@NotNull SubSkillType subSkillType, @NotNull Player player) {
final Probability probability = getSkillProbability(subSkillType, player);

boolean isLucky = Permissions.lucky(player, subSkillType.getParentSkill());

if(isLucky) {
return probability.evaluate(LUCKY_MODIFIER);
} else {
return probability.evaluate();

* Returns the {@link Probability} for a specific {@link SubSkillType} for a specific {@link Player}.
* This does not take into account perks such as lucky for the player.
* This is affected by other plugins who can listen to the {@link SubSkillEvent} and cancel it or mutate it.
* @param subSkillType the target subskill
* @param player the target player
* @return the probability for this skill
public static Probability getSkillProbability(@NotNull SubSkillType subSkillType, @NotNull Player player) {
//Process probability
Probability probability = getSubSkillProbability(subSkillType, player);

//Send out event
SubSkillEvent subSkillEvent = EventUtils.callSubSkillEvent(player, subSkillType);

if(subSkillEvent.isCancelled()) {
return false; //Event got cancelled so this doesn't succeed
return Probability.ALWAYS_FAILS;

//Result modifier
Expand All @@ -144,22 +166,15 @@ public static boolean isSkillRNGSuccessful(@NotNull SubSkillType subSkillType, @
if(resultModifier != 1.0D)
probability = Probability.ofPercent(probability.getValue() * resultModifier);

boolean isLucky = Permissions.lucky(player, subSkillType.getParentSkill());

if(isLucky) {
return probability.evaluate(LUCKY_MODIFIER);
} else {
return probability.evaluate();
return probability;

* This is one of several Skill RNG check methods
* This helper method is specific to static value RNG, which can be influenced by a player's Luck
* @param primarySkillType the related primary skill
* @param player the target player, can be null (null players have the worst odds)
* @param player the target player can be null (null players have the worst odds)
* @param probabilityPercentage the probability of this player succeeding in "percentage" format (0-100 inclusive)
* @return true if the RNG succeeds, false if it fails
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,4 +238,31 @@ public static boolean isNonRNGSkillActivationSuccessful(@NotNull SubSkillType su

return new String[]{percent.format(firstValue), percent.format(secondValue)};

* Helper function to calculate what probability a given skill has at a certain level
* @param skillLevel the skill level currently between the floor and the ceiling
* @param floor the minimum odds this skill can have
* @param ceiling the maximum odds this skill can have
* @param maxBonusLevel the maximum level this skill can have to reach the ceiling
* @return the probability of success for this skill at this level
public static Probability calculateCurrentSkillProbability(double skillLevel, double floor,
double ceiling, double maxBonusLevel) {
// The odds of success are between the value of the floor and the value of the ceiling.
// If the skill has a maxBonusLevel of 500 on this skill, then at skill level 500 you would have the full odds,
// at skill level 250 it would be half odds.

if (skillLevel >= maxBonusLevel || maxBonusLevel <= 0) {
// Avoid divide by zero bugs
// Max benefit has been reached, should always succeed
return Probability.ofPercent(ceiling);

double odds = (skillLevel / maxBonusLevel) * 100D;

// make sure the odds aren't lower or higher than the floor or ceiling
return Probability.ofPercent(Math.min(Math.max(floor, odds), ceiling));
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/test/java/com/gmail/nossr50/util/random/
Expand Up @@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ class ProbabilityTest {
private static Stream<Arguments> provideProbabilitiesForWithinExpectations() {
return Stream.of(
// static probability, % of time for success
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(5), 5),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(10), 10),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(15), 15),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(20), 20),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(25), 25),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(50), 50),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(75), 75),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(90), 90),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(99.9), 99.9),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(0.05), 0.05),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(0.1), 0.1),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(500), 100),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(1000), 100)
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.05), 5),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.10), 10),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.15), 15),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.20), 20),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.25), 25),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.50), 50),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.75), 75),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.90), 90),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(.999), 99.9),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(0.0005), 0.05),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(0.001), 0.1),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(50.0), 100),
Arguments.of(new ProbabilityImpl(100.0), 100)

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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;

public class ProbabilityTestUtils {
public static void assertProbabilityExpectations(double expectedWinPercent, Probability probability) {
double iterations = 2.0e7; //20 million
double winCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if(probability.evaluate()) {

double successPercent = (winCount / iterations) * 100;
System.out.println("Wins: " + winCount);
System.out.println("Fails: " + (iterations - winCount));
System.out.println("Percentage succeeded: " + successPercent + ", Expected: " + expectedWinPercent);
assertEquals(expectedWinPercent, successPercent, 0.025D);
System.out.println("Variance is within tolerance levels!");

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