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Watch for changes in a binary and output a C-like decompilation


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Decompiler Explorer

Watch for changes in a binary and output a C-like decompilation.

usage gif


Run with nix

nix run github:mbund/decompiler-explorer
CLI Usage
usage: decompiler-explorer [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [-n FUNCTIONS [FUNCTIONS ...]] bin

Decompiler explorer

positional arguments:
  bin                   Path to binary used for analysis

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Location for all decompilations
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output
                        Function names to decompile

Use something like entr to watch for changes in a file and recompile.

examples$ find . -name '*.c' | entr make

Then also watch with the decompiler explorer.

examples$ decompiler-explorer program

Or with extra options

examples$ decompiler-explorer -o output.gc ./program -n main myFunction

output.gc is the default output file, where .gc is short for "C-like ghidra decompilation"

VSCode tips

Set the language mode of the outputted C like code to C# or some other language where you don't have a language server set up that will just give errors, but still has good syntax highlighting.

Run File: Toggle Active Editor Read-only in Session to set the outputted C like code to read only, since it will always be overwritten by Decompiler Explorer if your source binary changes.