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Metawear edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 1 revision

The Message class encapsulates all types of sensor data in a generic container. Data from different sensors are interpreted differently so users will need to be conscious of what type they are requesting their data be converted to. Available message types are outlined in the below table.

Message Type Description
GpioAbsRefMessage GPIO analog input data as an absolute reference value
GpioAdcMessage GPIO analog input data as an ADC ratio
GpioDigitalMessage GPIO digital input data
MwrAccelAxisMessage XYZ axis data from the MetaWearR accelerometer separated into individual axis values
MwrAccelCombinedAxisMessage XYZ axis data from the MetaWearR accelerometer combined into 1 value
SwitchMessage Data from switch state changes
Temperature Data from a temperature sensor

All messages can be interpreted as a byte, short, integer, or long. For some sensors, these primitive types do not provide a meaningful interpretation of the data and require a different interpretation. The following sections will cover what the data will look like if you call Message.getData with specific type classes.


Type Description
Short.class Interprets GPIO analog input data in units of mV
Float.class Interprets GPIO analog input data in units of V


Type Description
Short.class Interprets the ADC data as a short


Type Description
AxisG.class Interpret the XYZ axis data in units of Gs
AxisMilliG.class Interpret the XYZ axis data in units of milliGs


Type Description
Float.class Interpret the combined data in units of Gs
Short.class Interpret the combined data in units of milliGs


Type Description
Boolean.class True if pressed, false if released
Byte.class 1 if pressed, 0 if released


Type Description
Float.class Interprets the temperature as degrees Celsius.