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Zoo Management System

Short Description and Scope of the Project

My project name is “Zoo Management System”. My goal is to show a very initial overview of a zoo and how it is managed centrally by using database management system.

My idea can be divided into four parts which represents my whole database shortly. These parts hold the data of every possible field in the zoo management system.

Firstly Animal Details, we can have the proper datails about animal_id, animal_name, cage_num, gender, height, weight, age, diet, status.

Staff field is used to store all the valid datas of the staff i.e emp_id, emp_name, emp_des, phone_num, salary.

Ticket Field is used to store the ticket details such as ticket_id, order_date, price, age.

A zoo is incomplete without Customers . From Customers zoo gets it's partial profits. Visitors access all the facilities of the zoo through the column coupon and ticket. We obtain the customer details.
Technologies Used

MariaDB.jpg python.jpg
Interaction: Using Cursors

How To Use
Step1: Run streamlit run C:\Users\ajayr\PycharmProjects\todo2\ in pycharm terminal Admin-Page.png Step2: Run streamlit run C:\Users\ajayr\PycharmProjects\todo2\ in pycharm terminal Music-Page.png Step3:Add Music to the MusicPage in streamlit and enjoy:) Music-Streamlit.png Step4:Now open the Streamlit Page to Use The CRUD App Step5: Login the page with credntials username admin and password admin. Login-Page.png Step6:Choose which entity you want to interact with from: Zoo Details,Customer details,Animal Details,Customer Details,Ticket Details and perform necessary CRUD applications or interact with the MariaDB Terminal as you desire. create.png read.png update.png delete.png query.png Step7:Observe the use of Triggers,Functions and Procedures. triggers.png function1.png function2.png procedure1.png procedure2.png Step8:If you liked my project don't forget to star my repo :)


Zoo Management System Streamlit WebApp using MariaDB MySQL







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