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Full-Stack Tutorial: IMDb Web App

A step-by-step tutorial for creating a React web app that uses a variety of different technologies and AWS services to surface movie data in a useful way.

Table of Contents

  1. RDS
  2. EC2
  3. PostgreSQL
  4. PostgREST API
  5. React Web App


1. Launch an Instance

The first step is to create an RDS database instance running PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL is fast, powerful, and free, and has been recently gaining in popularity. Best of all, it has a very strong open-source community attached to it.

First, generate a secure password for to use with the RDS and store it as a string in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. As a parameter, it can be used in other places Cloudformation templates.

Afterwards, create a new free-tier eligible RDS instance. Use the RDS Console to create a new PostgreSQL database using the Standard create method. It should have the following settings, along with the generated password stored in SSM:

Attribute Value
Engine PostgreSQL
Templates Free tier
DB instance identifier imdb
Master password Generated Password
Virtual private cloud (VPC) Create new VPC
VPC Security Group Create new
New VPC security group name imdb-rds
Initial database name postgres

2. Networking

After launching the new RDS instance, view it in the Databases list and select it.

Copy down the endpoint in the Connectivity & security section. This is the endpoint used in the DB section later on to remotely connect to the instance.

Still in Connectivity & security, find the link to the VPC under Networking and the link to the VPC security groups under Security, and open them into new browser tabs

In the Security Groups browser tab, select the security group from the list and add two tags: a Name tag with the value IMDB RDS SG and a Project tag with the value IMDB. Keep this browser tab open

In the VPC browser tab, select the VPC from the list and add two tags: a Name tag with the value IMDB VPC and a Project tag with the value IMDB. You can close this browser tab afterwards.

Switch views to the the Tags section and add two tags: a Name tag with the value IMDB RDS and a Project tag with the value IMDB.


1. Launch an Instance

The next step is to create a free-tier EC2. From your browser tab at the RDS section, switch over to the EC2 Console and launch a new Amazon Linux AMI-based instance with the following settings:

Attribute Value
Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Amazon Linux 64bit x86
Instance Type t2.micro
Network IMDB VPC

Click through Add Storage and then add two tags: a Name tag with the value IMDB API and a Project tag with the value IMDB.

In the Configure Security Group section, create a new security group. Give it the Name imdb-ec2 and for Description put Security group for the IMDB EC2.

After Review & Launch, you'll be prompted about key pairs. Select Create a new key pair and name it imdb. Download it and use the command line to move it into your .ssh folder:

mv /path/to/imdb.pem ~/.ssh/imdb.pem

2. Networking

After launching the new instance, view it in the Instances list and select it. Copy down the Public IPv4 DNS endpoint in the Details tab.

Ths security group should have a single SSH rule (port 22) with the Source set to My IP. This will detect your IP address automatically and open the SSH port only to your machine. For the Description put Private Access to SSH.

Create a second Custom TCP rule with Port range set to 3000. Set the Source as Anywhere and for Description put Public Access to API.

Switch to the browser tab that has the RDS security group selected. Create a single inbound rule of Type PostgreSQL – this will prefill the Protocol as TCP and the Port range as 5432.

Under Source select the Custom option, and click in the field to select the EC2's security group (imdb-ec2) from the list. For the optional Description field, put Private Access to PSQL for IMDB EC2. Make sure to save the rule.


1. SSH into the EC2

Open up your local terminal. In the command line, connect to your EC2 via ssh using your new key pair and the DNS endpoint:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/imdb.pem 
ssh -i ~/.ssh/imdb.pem

Agree to the prompt to add the EC2 to your known hosts (located at ~/.ssh/known_hosts). Look for the Amazon EC2 ASCII art to know that you've successfully connected.

The authenticity of host ' (XX.XXX.XX.XXX)' can't be established.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',XX.XXX.XX.XXX' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux 2 AMI

2. Download the IMDb data

Once you're inside, keep things organized. Create a couple of directories for the IMDb project and its data:

mkdir imdb
cd imdb
mkdir data
cd data

Use wget to download and unzip the free IMDb datasets at the links provided in the IMDb Datasets repo:

gunzip title.basics.tsv.gz

For each dataset, output into a file starting at the 2nd line to create a copy without a header. Limit your footprint by removing the original file TSV afterwards.

tail -n +2 title.basics.tsv > title.basics.noheader.tsv
rm title.basics.tsv

3. Connect to the database

Download PostgreSQL 12.X into the EC2's Amazon Linux environment. First update all your packages:

sudo yum -y update

Then add the package information for the official PostreSQL 12 repo on the server. You can create a file on-the-fly as a heredoc by using the tee command with the redirection operator:

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pgdg.repo << EOF
name=PostgreSQL 12 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64

Once the repo information is created, download and install PostgreSQL 12:

sudo yum makecache
sudo yum install postgresql12 postgresql12-server

If everything went successfully, you should now have a psql client that you can use to connect to your RDS instance remotely. Check to make sure it's installed before moving on:

psql --version
>  psql (PostgreSQL) 12.6

Connect to the RDS instance using psql and the endpoint you copied down in the RDS section. You'll be prompted for the RDS master password you generated and placed in Parameter Store.

psql -U postgres -h -p 5432

>  Password for user postgres: 
>  psql (12.6, server 12.5)
>  SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
>  Type "help" for help.

>  postgres=>

4. Set up the database

The psql prompt is now connected to the default database of your RDS instance as the postgres user. You can now make changes to the database using SQL commands. Start by creating a new schema dedicated to the API:


Make sure you include semi-colons in order to execute each command. The prompt will output the result of each command to let you know that execution was successful.

Create a role for the API and grant it privileges to the new schema. By altering the default privileges of the api schema, you can give the role access to tables created in the future:

5. Import the IMDb data

In the api schema, create tables for the IMDb datasets. As always, naming is important and the same rule applies as before: stay consistent; which convention you choose is not so important.

For this tutorial, we'll follow this excellent SQL style guide and keep our table names lowercased and snake-cased – e.g., we'll name the Title Basics table title_basics :

CREATE TABLE api.title_basics(
  tconst varchar(12),
  title_type varchar(80),
  primary_title varchar(512),
  original_title varchar(512),
  is_adult boolean,
  start_year smallint,
  end_year smallint,
  runtime_minutes int,
  genres varchar(80)

Use the \copy command to import the IMDb data from the unzipped TSV files. A response with the number of entries imported will inform you that the copy was successful:

\copy api.title_basics FROM '/home/ec2-user/imdb/data/title.basics.noheader.tsv';
>  COPY 7681048

Take a look at the first five rows of the table to sanity check the copy, and get a quick look at the data and its structure:

SELECT * FROM api.title_basics LIMIT 5;

>    tconst   | title_type |     primary_title      |     original_title     | is_adult | start_year | end_year | runtime_minutes |          genres          
>  -----------+------------+------------------------+------------------------+----------+------------+----------+-----------------+--------------------------
>   tt0000001 | short      | Carmencita             | Carmencita             | f        |       1894 |          |               1 | Documentary,Short
>   tt0000002 | short      | Le clown et ses chiens | Le clown et ses chiens | f        |       1892 |          |               5 | Animation,Short
>   tt0000003 | short      | Pauvre Pierrot         | Pauvre Pierrot         | f        |       1892 |          |               4 | Animation,Comedy,Romance
>   tt0000004 | short      | Un bon bock            | Un bon bock            | f        |       1892 |          |              12 | Animation,Short
>   tt0000005 | short      | Blacksmith Scene       | Blacksmith Scene       | f        |       1893 |          |               1 | Comedy,Short
>  (5 rows)


1. Install API and connect to RDS

Exit out of the psql prompt with Ctrl-D to return to the EC2 command prompt. Move up a directory to ensure that you are in the imdb directory:

cd ..
> /home/ec2-user/imdb

This tutorial uses a pre-built API called PostgREST to serve the data from the PostgreSQL database. Get the link to the the latest Linux x64 release here and install it on the EC2 so that it can be executed globally:

tar xJf postgrest-v7.0.1-linux-x64-static.tar.xz
sudo mv postgrest /usr/bin/postgrest

Use your RDS endpoint and the master password saved in Parameter Store to create a configuration file for PostgREST:

tee imdb.conf << EOF
db-uri = "postgres://"
db-schema = "api"
db-anon-role = "web_api"
db-pool = 10

You should now be able to run the API using the configuration file to serve database content from the RDS instance. Start the API:

postgrest imdb.conf
>  Attempting to connect to the database...
>  Listening on port 3000
>  Connection successful

If everything is working, you should now be able to connect to your API to surface the IMDb data. In your browser, paste a URL containing the EC2's Public IPv4 DNS and the API's open port (3000) with the following PostgREST query parameters:

In your browser, you should get a JSON-formatted response containing the first five rows of the title_basics table. In your terminal, you should see a log of your IP Address hitting the API route:

XXX.XX.XXX.X - "GET /title_basics?limit=5 HTTP/1.1" 200 - "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_2_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.72 Safari/537.36"

2. Daemonize the API

Exit out of PostgREST with Ctrl-C to return to your imdb directory. Create a systemd file to register a service that runs PostgREST on startup. passing it the path to the imdb.conf configuration file:

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/postgrest.service << EOF
Description=REST API for the IMDb database



ExecStart=/usr/bin/postgrest /home/ec2-user/imdb/imdb.conf


Enable and start the service using systemctl, then check the status to make sure it's active and running:

sudo systemctl enable postgrest
sudo systemctl start postgrest
sudo systemctl status postgrest
>  ● postgrest.service - REST API for the IMDb database
>     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/postgrest.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
>     Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-03-07 17:25:05 UTC; 560ms ago

You should now be able to quit the SSH process using Ctrl-D and re-run the API call in your browser. If the PostgREST API is successfully running as a service, you should still be able to get a response.

External Links


A step-by-step tutorial for creating a web app that surfaces IMDb data.






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