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Releases: mautic/mautic


26 Feb 18:11
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1.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

Highlighted notes for this release

With this release, Mautic's URLs have changed. Up to this point, public pages (landing pages, email web previews, etc) were prefixed with /p/ while the reset of Mautic was secured. We've reversed that now to where Mautic's secured pages are behind /s/ while the public pages do not require a prefix. For example, the login page is now and an example landing page can be (URLs with /p/ will be redirected to be without the /p/ prefix).

We've also added to the configuration an option to set a landing page for Mautic's root URL or redirect to the secured area (default).


  1. 70d0b48 Added option to set max upload file size for assets in the Configuration
  2. abee836 Fixed fatal error while Asset::upload: Argument 1 passed to Asset::setFile() must be an instance of UploadedFile, string given
  3. f638fc5 Changed asset form download message to be html/editor
  4. 10d482b Removed duplicate asset file validation and set the correct path for error.


  1. 9e974ea Fixed issue where modal backdrop was not removed after saving category


  1. 9953beb Fixed issue where preferred images did not show for leads in the campaign view
  2. fefda25 Prevented campaign events from losing their connections if editing without first opening/closing the builder
  3. 66c935b Fixed fatal error when validating an existing campaign that had all lists removed
  4. 67e536d Added support to 'Visit a page' campaign decision for clicks from 3rd party URL(s) (with support for wildcard matching)
  5. 673647b Added a new campaign action to update a lead's details
  6. a79c1c2 Fixed campaign cloning to also clone associated events
  7. 27a299a Changed "this campaign" to only show in the remove lead from campaign list for the campaign builder
  8. 09e4b5e Fixed issue where campaign connector labels did not show for newly created decisions or actions
  9. bf56653 Added ellipsis class to campaign event's name in the campaign builder to prevent text from extending beyond the box
  10. c4a7c09 Moved no results message to be outside shuffle-grid div to prevent float issues when there are no results
  11. fc1c18f Fixed fatal error on campaign details page
  12. 93c03a0 Fixed not being able to set the limiter for leads on the campaign lead tab
  13. b180cdc Set shuffle-grid to update if inside a tab and the tab becomes active (shuffle messes up dimensions if within an element that is hidden to begin with)
  14. e9ae6b1 Added option to limit a campaign's open email decision to selected email(s) or the connected send email action
  15. d681f4f Fixed not being able to close campaign builder when it has no events


  1. b18d961 Added tracking pixel to emails that use custom html (rather than the builder)
  2. 5439cd6 Added a button to the email details page to have an example email sent to currently logged in user.
  3. 9661597 Fixed hydration of email sent/read count query that lead to always 0 read/sent counts
  4. f36d77f Fixed bad query with getting email clickthrough counts
  5. 333336a Set page and email content to nullable so Doctrine doesn't error out when converting to array


  1. b049441 Reset form action and field order after using the apply button
  2. 95f1aad Added a validator option to form submission events to give form submit actions the chance to apply custom validation
  3. 1dc6059 Fixed issue with not removing mauticError and mauticMessage from the return URL post submission


  1. c350f3a Reversed firewall to be public by default (removing use of /p/) and secured the rest of Mautic behind /s/
  2. e4e37fb Implemented config option to default root URL to a landing page or redirect to dashboard (default)
  3. 77b2fb0 Prevented multiple Mautic instances from sharing the same session
  4. a6a9d43 Dropped support for SQLite for the production environment.
  5. c129b84 Fixed constraint issues that prevented install on MS SQL and adjusted some constraints that prevented being able to delete some entities
  6. a9ea503 Prevented fatal error when passing ID to setCreatedBy, setModifiedBy, and setCheckedOutBy rather than a User entity
  7. 96e6ad5 Prevented notifications from being truncated leading to malformed HTML
  8. bb57f98 Fixed fatal error when auto unlocking an entity on leaving a form
    9 e0f262a Changed from using htmLawed to joomla/filter for html cleaning
  9. 08fc084 Fixed issue when single quotes or backslashes are used in configuration setting leading to PHP parse errors
  10. c1e7613 Fixed typo in core config file for cookie_secure setting
  11. 881437a Added option to pass CleanFormSubscriber masks through various events
  12. 35d24ac Fixed issue where mailer exceptions were not caught and some messages were double sent
  13. 58ed87b Fixed issue where 3rd party SMTP mail transport services didn't work.
  14. 8f94a9f Removed support for memory spooling as it failed to send emails if a redirect happens (i.e. form submissions) since it's executed on kernel terminate which of course doesn't happen for redirects.
  15. d8a1565 Added button to Configuration to send test email in addition to testing the connection
    bccac2c Added logging to mailer
  16. 84974a9 Changed description columns from string to text to prevent 255 character limit leading to truncated and malformed html


  1. 499d8da Dropped SQLite support from migrations (not used to this point), dropped down path support (not used in Mautic), and added catches to prevent attempted execution of a migration when the current schema already reflects the changes.
  2. 72b124b Fixed error with backing up mysql tables on install (if there is a table conflict) and automatically added migrations included in the version so they are not reapplied by doctrine migrations upon upgrading to the next version.
  3. caab662 Fixed not being able to download update package from some servers


  1. f62b166 Prevented updating address bar with integration edit URL which is all ajax driven
  2. a35fac7 Fixed integration form to not set api errors on save which prevented being able to save the form
  3. f93ba3d Fixed chat bundle queries to be compatible with non-mysql databases
  4. 930d99a Prevented CRMs from showing errors before configuring for the first time
  5. 2210585 Fixed PHP error when configuring SugarCRM for the first time
  6. d5ec5c2 Prevented PHP warning when first configuring vTiger integration
  7. e56c83d Removed a die debug statement from iContact integration

Landing pages

  1. b8a505f Fixed sql for determining landing page bounce rate
  2. 333336a Set page and email content to nullable so Doctrine doesn't error out when converting to array


  1. 7de6cd2 Changed doctrine event subscriber to get list of lead field aliases via DBAL so that changes to the LeadField entity will not lead to a failed retrieval of fields
  2. 9e974ea Fixed issue where modal backdrop was not removed after saving a quick add lead form
  3. acf222c Added option to set a lead field as publicly updatable to allow current lead values to be updated via mtracking.gif query
  4. 7304978 Set current lead at asset, email, and page entry points for clickthrough URLs
  5. c8e8837 Prevented error if the current lead is not already set when using LeadModel::setCurrentLead (i.e. email tracking pixels)
  6. e5dca73 Fixed fatal error with pushing a lead to an integration when lead is already a flat array rather than a Lead entity
  7. 70c4220 Fixed issue with lead list smart filters loading the keys as values in the boolean typeaheads
  8. 35e91b4 Fixed issue where lead smart lists treated all filters with an "or" criteria regardless of what was set in the form
  9. ef790c1 Fixed lead import issue where values of 0 were not imported
  10. 633ad2a...
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06 Feb 18:19
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1.0.0-beta4 Pre-release


  • a3b30df Added support for auth token keys other than access_token
  • 1481d8a Zoho integration
  • b466ebc vTiger integration
  • 585a6af Fixed fatal error when reloading addons after an initial load
  • b9e7ac1 Added option to filter integrations by addon
  • 6ae1632 Added support for SugarCRM community edition
  • 1197b41 Added "Push lead to integration" as an option for form submissions and campaign events
  • New email marketing addon with MailChimp, iContact, and Constant Contact integration
  • New cloud storage addon Amazon S3, OpenStack and Rackspace integrations
  • 160bbdf Revamped AbstractIntegration to be more generic rather than oauth centric


  • 4b7f978 Fixed a fatal error that occurred when editing/saving a campaign after deleting an event
  • 42a99c6 Fixed issue with campaign events not getting deleted or restored at the proper location.


  • b4ad50f Fixed category duplication when clicking apply then save & close (#23)
  • eedc4fa Fixed issue where the unique alias checks were failing for categories
  • 07f04de Fixed issue where the publish toggle broke for categories after being clicked the first time


  • c115b39 Fixed fatal error that sometimes occurred when sending an email without variants
  • 7146305 e894196 37854db Added button to create a new email from within campaigns, form submit actions, and point triggers
  • 3a497c1 Fixed issue where tokens lost ability to be dragged after pagination change. (#15)
  • 64ce3dd Fixed foreign constraints that prevented being able to delete emails and pages
  • be7f305 Fixed rare error that occurred when attempting to resend a failed email and the stat no longer existed (most likely manually deleted by developer)
  • bf7f495 Fixed issue where a/b settings properties were not properly retrieved after changing the winning criteria
  • 58b507f Fixed form error that occurred with when the winning a/b test criteria was changed.
  • 5a1dd7d Fixed issue where emails to users post form submission didn't populate lead field tokens with the actual current lead's details
  • 72f01f3 Changed email custom content editor to be full page as many modern email clients allow responsive style in the head tag
  • 2c3253e Fixed editor from removing classes when in fullpage mode


  • a43e115 Fixed broken yes/no toggle for "Show label" in form field configuration
  • 5e39829 Removed requirement to save form before being able to map form fields to lead fields in the "Create a lead" form submit action configuration
  • bc6ed15 Fixed fatal error encountered when sending an email to admin on form submit
  • a94acd7 Added support to forms to pre-populate values using get parameters via fieldAlias=value
  • c249ee0 Themes now support a form.php to customize the look of standalone forms
  • 4c07a33 Added a form field token to populate emails with form submission data
  • e1a5599 Fixed issue where form fields could not be reordered (#17)
  • fed1086 Prevented error if a form submit action did not include a description
  • b90f045 Prevented rare issue when the form submission table could not be created due to a name conflict
  • c87ecf1 Fixed issue where double quotations in custom input/label attributes were getting encoded leading to broken UI
  • 59b8f74 Fixed issue where double click edit was lost after editing a form field or action
  • d8f6928 Renamed form field's "free text" to "description area" and added support for html


  • b5e525f Fixed fatal error that sometimes occurred when the session expired
  • 0e8dc16 Fixed error related to notifications if session expired
  • 78f1924 Converted all bundles to a single Config/config.php that registers services, menu, routes and parameters
  • dc66993 Set overlapping ajax requests to abort for live search and for ajaxified links that populate to the same target
  • e267bc9 Prevent bulk action confirmation from showing if nothing is selected (#24)
  • c667d8b Fixed bad Amazon SES port
  • ea4ac06 Added a "test connection" button to config form to test mailer transport connection
  • 363ff66 Added a buffer size to the log config to help prevent holding log data in memory
  • 51d2477 Fixed an error related to transifex when when saving the config in prod
  • Fixed lots of queries that prevented being able to use Mautic with non-MySql databases
  • 0049e21 Fixed fatal error caused by setting trusted hosts or trusted proxies in configuration


  • 6db8fd3 Updated installer to restore user details upon browsing back to the user step and to update user if resubmitting rather than showing a duplicate user error
  • b0fc166 Fixed issue where the api oauth2 columns were not created during installation
  • 2c29977 Added SQLite path option to installer/ config
  • 2b1edc8 Fixed installer session name mismatch that did not clear the admin user details after completing the installation

Landing pages

  • 64ce3dd Fixed foreign constraints that prevented being able to delete emails and pages
  • 2c3253e Fixed editor from removing classes when in fullpage mode
  • Updated themes


  • c5be78a Prevented current lead from being merged with form submit data if emails are different (#9)
  • fc82729 Created LeadEvents::CURRENT_LEAD_CHANGED that can be hooked into when the current lead is updated
  • 76da8c8 Listed country in lead list/grid if state is empty
  • 0545602 eebe814 Fixed broken lead list filters (#22 & #30)
  • e40ffe1 Fixed fatal error when batch deleting lead fields
  • e1d1cdd Fixed issue where the columns were not removed from the lead table when batch deleting lead fields
  • 3ddf118 Added a new option to import leads via CSV files
  • f0c907a Lead's last activity timestamp now recorded, displayed in lead list, and set as default order
  • 8153dca Changed the form submit action "create a new lead" to "create/update lead" as it works for both


  • 99bd122 Added back missing triggerEvents() that caused fatal error during various event execution such as campaigns, forms, etc
  • 8f009a5 Fixed issue where delta was always 0 when executing lead point actions
  • ed7e324 Fixed issues preventing execution of point triggers
  • 4fb7609 Fixed fatal error when attempting to delete a point trigger event
  • 90ac782 Fixed issue where point trigger events could not be deleted
  • ba2b9de Fixed not being able to double click a point trigger event after editing


  • Revamped reports that allow custom tables, graphs, filters, and order.


  • 2606097 3rd party translations can be installed in root translations folder and option to override any language string via ini files in translations/overrides
  • 4331ef6 Fixed locale to not load from session but from request, user settings, then default locale; in that order of precedence


  • 840aee0 Fixed issue where an ajaxified modal was not reset on hide thus showing unrelated content until current content is populated
  • be3c62e Fixed issue where some modals did not close after submitting a form
  • 847a37a Fixed responsive mismatches between table th and td
  • eda731c Changed button helper closures to a class to prevent "Base lambda function for closure not found" error caused by APC
  • 17fdc0d Removed live search overlay on search input blur
  • 2a953d0 Fixed overlay from covering up typehead dropdown
  • 575569d Fixed loading bar indicator to not stop if another action is pending and set publish toggle to animate rather than showing the page loading bar
  • 730cfc6...
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