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Releases: mautic/mautic


07 Jun 06:13
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Change Log


  • #440 Set Mailchimp list limit to 100 for push to integration lists


  • #506 Fixed a bug where root campaign level decisions were pulled and triggered
  • #464 Fixed an error related to changing a lead's points via campaign
  • #448 Fixes issue where campaigns could not be deleted due to event constraints


  • #519 Added support for lead field fallbacks in emails.
  • #514 #512 Fixed missing closing div that caused layout issues in the email builder
  • #513 Fixed scenario when ckeditor auto-prepended a tokenized URL with http resulting in a double http
  • #505 All links in an email are converted and tracked rather than just the {externallink} token which is now deprecated
  • #508 #511 New feature to send email directly to a lead
  • #463
  • A dropdown list of tokens will display in the builder editors by typing { and the start of the token or {@ and the token label such as a landing page name
  • Added option to auto convert email HTML into plain text
  • #484
    • Emails have been differentiated into two groups, list and template. List emails can be sent to lead lists whereas template emails can be used in campaigns, forms, etc.
    • Email stats now store the body of the original email which is viewable by clicking the title in a lead's timeline
    • Assets can now be attached to emails
  • #429
    • Email sending to lists are batched via ajax to prevent timeouts
    • Added support for API mailer transports and tokenized emails. Converted Mandrill to use it's API rather than SMTP with support for tokenized emails and bounce callbacks.
  • #392 Fixed issue that calculated an incorrect pending count for mass emails


  • #515 Forms are differentiated into standalone and campaign forms.
  • #503 Removed the outdated fields from the "Adjust lead's points" form submit action since lead's are automatically created now.
  • #500 Forms have been converted to posting through iframes and uses postMessage API to communicate between Mautic and the page the form is integrated into.
  • #444
    • Fixes issue where checkbox and radio group lists were not editable after adding the field
    • Fixes issue where a single checkbox failed to validate
    • Adds option to bulk "rebuild" button was added to the form list beside the bulk delete button. This will refresh/regenerate the form's cached HTML. Helpful when a template change has been made.
    • Added the ability to delete specific form submissions
    • Removed the 255 character limitations on the label, help message and default values (requires the doctrine:schema:update command until the release migration is generated)
    • Added the option to apply attributes to the label/input container (thus allowing bootstrap columns easily
    • For checkbox and radio group fields, a new option is available to apply attributes to the label that wraps each checkbox/radio.
    • Fixes an error if the label is long resulting in a column that exceeds sql limits. Test by using a really long label.
    • Removed the form submit action "Create/Update Lead" as a lead field can be selected in the form field's configuration.


  • ae5ae7e 9cdcd00 Fixed trailing slash redirect that stopped working at some point
  • 92f6373 We tried but SQL Server/MSSQL just didn't want to play well along side MySQL and PostgreSQL so we've dropped support for it.
  • 012f634 Force https in links if the site_url is configured with https
  • #517 4ccf380 Prevents doctrine serialized array, bad UTF and MySQL from crashing system
  • #516 Moved analytics code into a template helper to make it easier for devs to include it in template files. Also added it to the form submit and message pages.
  • #509 Fixed a dashboard issue that caused a query error for postgres
  • 31e159f Fixed a dashboard issue that caused a query error for postgres
  • 1ac4844 Fixed issue that may cause the editor filemanager to stop working
  • #486 Made form captcha fields required
  • #423 Updated Joomla/http package to fix several issues with fetching updates and language lists


  • 408ee63 Prevented error when the install is reset mid-install (deleted local.php and cleared cache)
  • 493465f Defaulted installer mail from name and email to be the same as the user
  • #466 Added a timeout to the update and language list checks. Thanks @tomferreira
  • #401 Set UTF8 charset for the DB connection in the installer to prevent UTF8 corruption


  • #489 Added lead list, do not contact flag, and other field support to lead list imports
  • #501 Prevents errors related to the lead timeline and non-existent templates
  • #502 Added ability to search leads by IP
  • 5beb102 Prevented translation error that caused an exception when a lead's points are negative
  • #404 Prevented emoji from social media posts from preventing viewing a lead's profile
  • #410 Fixed an issue where a lead's social cache was emptied
  • #411 Fixed pagination for lead grid view
  • #432 Fixes lead list filter != where null values were not included
  • #394 Added live lead list update feature that will auto inject leads into the list as they are created
  • #395 Fixed issue that prevented updating a lead's lists through a form submission if more than one were selected


  • #514 #512 Fixed missing closing div that caused layout issues in the page builder
  • #391 Added preview URLs for page variants
  • #441 Fixes page/email builder URL modal populating last used URL
  • #443 Removes iframe restriction from builders allowing YouTube, etc


  • #438 Fixed not being able to batch delete point triggers.


  • A TON of general UI improvements
  • #484 #463 Much improved email and page builder UI.
  • #481 Fixes an issue with the color pickers which wouldn't work if the input was clicked
  • #388 Fixed CKEditor dialogue fields not working when the editor is inside bootstrap modal


  • #442 Fixed role permissions not being editable after using Apply


05 May 17:46
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This is a hotfix to fix an issue with executing actions of a campaign.


04 May 22:18
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This release makes it necessary to run the mautic:leadlist:update command and a newly added mautic:campaign:update command to add/remove the leads belonging to each.

Please read for more information.



  1. #342 Change Twitter API to use OAuth1a rather than OAuth2 to support user specific API calls


  1. #358 Removed constraint for OAuth1a callback and added support for iOS and other mobile platform schemes


  1. #339 Fixed specific scenario where labels did not update in campaign builder
  2. #337 Massively improved executing campaign events from command line by batching, resolving memory leaks for large numbers of leads, etc
  3. #337 Added new command mautic:campaigns:update that is now required to batch add/remove leads to a campaign as the UI couldn't support adding a large number of leads
  4. #337 Fixed issue with campaign actions that were delayed to a specific date/time were fired prematurely
  5. #337 Improved response time for loading a campaign details page with a lot of stats/leads
  6. #337 Fixed cloning a campaign with a large number of leads that failed due to Doctrine attempting to clone each lead as well.
  7. #337 Fixed issue where manually added leads to a campaign were not marked as manually added and thus removed when the campaign was rebuilt.
  8. #337 Fixed issue with that prevented being able to delete a campaign with a lot of leads/events


  1. #336 Added support for symlinked bundles


  1. #357 Fixed issue on some cPanel servers that prevented emails from sending via cli commands executed by a cron job
  2. #338 Fixed issue where viewing the unsubscribe/resubscribe public URL would result in a fatal error if using a template other than Mauve
  3. #351 Prevented error that stopped execution of email batch sends and campaign sends if the email was malformed
  4. #308 Fixed issue with how unsubscribes were handled and displayed on lead timeline


  1. #350 Fixed issue that prevented being able to save the configuration on some servers
  2. #318 Fixed error caused by proxy servers sending IP as a command delimited list


  1. #341 Fixed specific scenario that cause the updater to get stuck in an endless loop thus never completing the update
  2. #350 Fixed issue with update where the updater got stuck on the database migration step

Landing Pages

  1. #365 Fixed issue where Google Analytics wasn't inserted for custom HTML pages


  1. #337 Massively improved mautic:lidless:update command to use batch processing, resolved memory leaks, etc
  2. #345 Lead field option to note as a unique identifier to support other fields besides email
  3. #346 Added option to adjust batch limit for importing leads
  4. #319 Fixed error creating lead on a form submit
  5. #316 Fixed issue with limited lead permissions


  1. #359 Fixed issue where clicking a publish status toggle would result in a smaller icon
  2. #352 Decreased the number of seconds for growl alerts to dismiss and added support for browser notifications


  1. #305 Fixed a PHP short tag


15 Apr 00:33
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  1. #279 Removed readonly attribute from remote URL to use it for any remote URL and not just integrated cloud storage providers


  1. #285 Fixed issue where labels on the links between decisions and actions did not consistent update when delays were edited
  2. 5bba271 Fixed issue that prevented campaign emails from being sent when the lead was added to the campaign as a result of a form submission
  3. 5bba271 Prevented campaign events from executing for a lead that did not belong to a campaign
  4. 0bb6857 Fixed a type casting issue under postreSQL when querying scheduled events
  5. 2b4001b Fixed issue where the decision path remained associated with a campaign action that was originally connected to a decision then removed.
  6. 9e4ab2e Moved the execution of the starting campaign events to when the mautic:campaigns:trigger command is executed to prevent timeouts when saving the campaign form. This means that the first event listed inc campaigns will not be executed until the command is ran.
  7. 31d3f24 Fixed issue that caused the "no-action" event path to be executed for the wrong leads.
  8. 924c160 Fixed issue that caused some events from firing due to the lead's details being lost along the chain of events


  1. #293 Provided a way for addons/bundles to dynamically load assets into document head (required due to Mautic's system wide use of Ajax)
  2. #282 Fixed issue where view templates could not be found for addons


  1. #274 Fixed issue where onsubmit was removed from generated form HTML breaking validation
  2. #284 Fixed issue where form result headers mismatched data if the form fields had been reordered


  1. #297 Fixed issue with URLs sent from CLI had double // in it resulting in 404s
  2. #289 Added support for SMTP servers with no encryption
  3. #295 Fixed issue where the wrong comparison was used when determining publish up and down dates
  4. #288 Added a favicon.ico to root to prevent useless logging of 404s with some browsers
  5. #281 Fixed issue where a common function used to build where queries overrode where statements already set leading to different results than expected


  1. #300 Restores lost lead list table/card view buttons
  2. #300 Fixed shift+l keyboard shortcut to work anywhere in app and not just while on the lead list
  3. #296 Fixed issue that resulted in an error when saving a new lead list under postgreSQL
  4. #275 Fixed issue that resulted in an error when regenerating a lead's lists
  5. #283 Prevented a PHP notice for lead change events activated for lists that no longer exist
  6. #287 Fixed various layout issues with the lead timeline
  7. #287 Improved all engagements graph to include only unique engagements and not every event that was triggered from the single engagement


  1. #260 Fixed issue with decoding the encoded 'd' query parameter for the tracking pixel when the base64 encoded string happened to include a plus sign
  2. #276 Fixed issue that preventing landing pages from working when the system was configured to include the category slug in the URL


03 Apr 05:51
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  1. #244 Added report endpoints to retrieve a list of reports or report data of a specific report
  2. b871171 Formatted OAuth exceptions response to be what the API library expected
  3. f977054 Added endpoints to get the lead lists and/or campaigns for a specific lead
  4. f2bab47 cd3aa73 Fixed issue where FCGI web servers could not authorize via the OAuth 1a spec due to the authorization header not being made available to PHP
  5. f5d335d Prevented creating a duplicate lead if posting to the new endpoint and the email already existed
  6. 1738c36 Fixed broken lead notes endpoint
  7. af1134d da6d2dd Fixed issue where some list data returned empty even though entities existed
  8. 95ca206 Fixed error when retrieving a list of lead owners under PostgreSQL
  9. daf83f1 Removed support for Nelmio Api Doc bundle as it caused the api to fail in the prod environment
  10. a9c860d Added new endpoints to send Mautic emails to list and/or specific lead
  11. 7cea3e6 Added new endpoint to add/remove lead from lead lists
  12. f998960 Added new endpoint to add/remove lead from campaigns


  1. #249 Fixed issue where clicking Apply then Save&Close after creating a new category from within another form redirected to the category list rather than closing the modal


  1. #220 Prevented issue with recent activity when the expected routes for links were not found


  1. #236 Reset stats for cloned emails


  1. #253 Added a kiosk mode option to forms to prevent lead/IP tracking for submissions
  2. #231 Fixed where changing the subject of the "send form results" submit action would not save
  3. #202 #146 Fixed issue that prevented validating a return URL for the post form submit action


  1. #237 Added an install_source to config file on install. 3rd party installers should set this to something identifying
  2. #256 Fixed issue where choosing a non en_US locale would not fall back to English translations if the locale had untranslated strings
  3. #247 Removed broken Update tab from CKEditor image dialogue
  4. 02294c3 Prevented incorrect grouping of graph data due to non-unique labels
  5. #230 Prevented installer error when PDO is not installed
  6. #212 Added callback function support for ajax loaded content
  7. #203 Added a "prettier" error page for uncaught exceptions and/or when the database is down (can be customized by adding a root level custom_offline.php)
  8. #201 Added support to override views regardless of default theme chosen in the configuration
  9. #198 Fixed issue where CKEditor's file manager did not work and removed some unused included vendors


  1. 3c7859a Prevented error when the lead did not have its custom fields populated prior to matching data to the fields
  2. f7289d4 Ensured that searching for lead by email is case insensitive
  3. #250 Fixed error when adding owner as a lead list filter
  4. #251 Fixed error/broken avatar when viewing the details of an anonymous lead
  5. #234 Fixed issue where lead lists associated with email stats could not be deleted
  6. #202 #144 Fixed errors when merging leads


  1. Fixed issue where URLs longer than 255 characters was truncated in the hit and redirect tables
  2. #224 Fixed issue where builder slots that contained only an image would not display in the preview/live URLs


  1. 60dea4f Fixed error when merging leads that have both executed a point action and/or trigger
  2. #238 Added support for 0 point triggers to be able to execute a trigger for newly created leads


  1. #248 Fixed issue with reports based on page hits where no data was displayed


  1. #252 Fixed issue where validation messages did not show for some required inputs of the user form
  2. #233 Added missing backend support for bulk delete support for users and roles
  3. 82bbdbf Fixed error when deleting a single role


10 Mar 21:33
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e8f705b Hotfix to resolve the issue that caused the CMS plugins from being able to load embedded forms.


10 Mar 16:27
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  1. PR #179 Fixed PHP notices when triggering a campaign from CLI
  2. PR #178 Fixed issues with manually adding/removing a lead to/from a campaign
  3. PR #158 Fixed error when trying to change the list of an existing campaign
  4. PR #155 Prevented a scenario where a starting campaign event fired twice resulting in duplicate emails, etc


  1. PR #175 Added a MauticFactory::getBundleConfig function
  2. PR #154 Set log level to debug if in debug mode in the prod environment


  1. PR #177 Fixed errors when accessing the public form URL for a nonexistent form
  2. PR #173 Fixed error when using the lead point change submit action
  3. PR #146 Fixed error when using the redirect to URL post form submit action
  4. PR #166 Prevented a PHP notice when saving the first form field


  1. PR #145 Prevented error when running the command to process the email queue before the spooler directory has been created
  2. PR #151 Fixed issue where tracking pixel URLs in emails generated through CLI used localhost instead of actual site URL
  3. PR #172 Fixed error under PHP 5.3 when using a country field in a form and accessing a form's details page
  4. PR #148 Fixed error when attempting to edit a record checked out by another user
  5. PR #161 Removed the database dependency for determining if a system is installed to prevent redirecting to the installer if the database server temporarily goes down


  1. PR #187 Fixed issue where all pre-installed lead fields were marked as "fixed" and thus could not be removed
  2. PR #170 Fixed a misnamed key in the update feedback array
  3. PR #174 Fixed issues preventing retrieving update notifications


  1. PR #178 Fixed issues with manually adding/removing a lead to/from a list
  2. PR #169 Fixed issue with lead list state filter where it did not default to selected state after saving
  3. PR #152 Prevented lead duplication when using the mtracking.gif to update/create a lead using email in the query when the lead uses multiple devices on different pubic IPs
  4. PR #144 Fixed errors generated when merging leads that were in the same campaign or list


  1. PR #157 Fixed error when using the send an email point trigger


  1. PR #183, #186, #184, #180, #168 General improvements
  2. PR #185 Language string corrections
  3. PR #156 Fixed issue where the CSS placeholder was removed in the email/page builder due to a change in CKEditor behavior


  1. PR #147 Defaulted user local and timezone to system's default rather than en_US and UTC


07 Mar 19:15
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1.0.0-rc4 Pre-release


  1. cda74eb Prevented notice when unable to obtain list of available translations after saving the configuration
  2. #138 Made some UI improvements


  1. cda74eb Fixed error that prevented accessing Manage Lists when no lists are available


07 Mar 09:45
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1.0.0-rc3 Pre-release


  1. #130 and #133 Added an ajax uploader to prevent timeouts for large asset uploads
  2. #116 Fixed issue that prevented assets from being editable


  1. #126 Fixed issues with campaign events not firing
  2. #115 Fixed issue where campaign events were lost if form validation failed


  1. #122 Fixed issue where the tracking pixel img was inserted after the closing body tag for custom HTML emails


  1. #132 Added a send form results form submit action
  2. #129 Fixed issue that caused push to integration form submit actions to fail
  3. #109 Fixed error when using form templates


  1. #136 Prevented the landing page route from catching favicon.ico 404s
  2. #125 Fixed issue that prevented oAuth1.0a from working
  3. #131 Fixed issue where isAnonymous always returned false


  1. #101 Fixed issue that prevented Google Plus and Instagram from finding users based on email
  2. #113 Replaced Google Plus icon

Landing Pages

  1. #127 Converted the Google Analytics config option from accepting just the UA id to requiring the entire code block


  1. #123 Fixed issues where some circumstances resulted in the lead lists getting wiped out when rebuilt based on filters
  2. #119 Fixed issue where an anonymous lead would be duplicated many, many times
  3. #107 Fixed issues with saving <, >, <= and >= lead list filters
  4. #106 Fixed fatal error cause by mis-namespaced argument


  1. #119 Fixed issue where point triggers fired prematurely


  1. #135 Fixed issue where + signs were removed from user emails
  2. #110 Defaulted new users to use the system set default timezone and locale


27 Feb 22:35
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1.0.0-rc2 Pre-release


  1. ad6b069 232c4ab 90d538d Fixed issue with not being able to upgrade to RC via the updater


  1. e4ec1e5 Fixed the condition that determines if a page hit is valid for the configured campaign decision


  1. e236238 Fixed issue with form select boxes showing "Array" instead of individual options. Fixes #92.


  1. Pull Request #81 Added the ability to download, install, and use Mautic translations
  2. 186e78f Prevented logging an invalid upgrade error regarding deleting a non-existant directory.
  3. a5c09be Removed email log info from a the success test response in the configuration
  4. 1d41334 Fixed test email from configuration to be sent to the logged in user instead of the configured system from address

Landing pages

  1. 57476b2 Fixed page hit to recognize the use of query overrides appended to the tracking pixel