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SharePoint and DoddleReport

Matt Hidinger edited this page Apr 10, 2016 · 1 revision

In a previous release I provided a Doddle.Reporting.SharePoint.dll but I realized this was overkill for many people. Rather than force a compile-time dependency on the SharePoint assemblies I am just going to paste the SPListReportSource code below. Please copy it into your project if you want to report from a SharePoint List as the data source!

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Doddle.Reporting.SharePoint
    public class SPListReportSource : IReportSource
        public SPList List { get; set; }
        public SPQuery Query { get; set; }
        protected List<SPField> CustomFields { get; set; }

        public SPListReportSource(string listName)
            List = SharePointUtility.CurrentWeb.Lists[listName];
            CustomFields = ListUtility.GetCustomFields(List);

        public ReportFieldCollection GetFields()
            var fields = new ReportFieldCollection();
            foreach (SPField field in CustomFields)
                fields.Add(field.Title, field.FieldValueType);
            return fields;

        public IEnumerable GetItems()
            SPListItemCollection items;

            if (Query != null)
                items = List.GetItems(Query);
                items = List.Items;

            return items;

        public object GetFieldValue(object dataItem, string fieldName)
            if (dataItem == null)
                return string.Empty;

            SPListItem listItem = dataItem as SPListItem;

            if ((listItem == null) || (!listItem.Fields.ContainsField(fieldName)))
                return string.Empty;

            return listItem.GetFormattedValue(fieldName);