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Pseudo-spectral code for turbulent flows in 3D

PS3D is developed to solve the Euler equations for an incompressible inviscid flow in a horizontally-periodic domain and confined between parallel free-slip (including stress) surfaces. We especially target the solution of Beltrami flows.

How to compile

In order to compile perform following steps

$ cd $PS3D_ROOT
$ ./bootstrap
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=$PS3D_PREFIX --enable-openmp --enable-verbose
$ make
$ make install

where $PS3D_ROOT is the root directory of this repository and $PS3D_PREFIX is the location where you want to install. All executables will then be located in $PS3D_PREFIX/bin.

How to run

In the directory examples you can find configuration scripts. You first need to generate a field input file by running the Beltrami program providing a *.nml file, e.g.

$ beltrami --config beltrami32x32x32.nml

This will generate a field file in NetCDF format. The name of the file is specified in the *.nml file which is in this example. After that you run PS3D by

$ ps3d --config beltrami_32.config

The NetCDF file is specified in the configuration file too. In order to restart a simulation from a previous simulation, you need to update field_file and add the step number input with field_step to the configuration file. Please see the file beltrami_256_restart.config in the examples directory for an example.

How to post-process

In the directory plotting we provide many pre-configured scripts to generate cross sections and 3D views of fields. The class nc_reader is used to retrieve data from the NetCDF file. The visualisation is done with matplotlib (version 3.5.2) and ParaView (version 5.10.1). You can install the Python environment with the provided requirements.txt file found in the root directory of this repository. The basic command to accomplish this is

$ conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt

where <env> denotes a user-defined environment name like ps3d-env. To install conda, please read the relevant documentation.

The enstrophy production rates are calculated using the program production. Use the flag --help for further information. Note: The post-processing codes are currently switched off as we moved to distributed memory parallelism and these codes are not yet verified.

How to cite

The source code can be cited using the latest Zenodo DOI given on the top of this readme. A corresponding paper is published and can be cited using the BibteX below. You can also find further information at

  title={The stability of inviscid Beltrami flow between parallel free-slip impermeable boundaries},
  journal={Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
  publisher={Cambridge University Press},
  author={Dritschel, David and Frey, Matthias},