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A minimal book store site built in Pure JS, HTML & CSS




Start by installing the dependencies with yarn or npm


$ npm install


$ yarn

Run Application

This application uses parcel bundler, to test this app you can spin up a development server by running:

yarn dev

The app should be live on http://localhost:1234 🎉

Note: Make sure you have gone through the installation process explained above 👆

Build for Producion

You can build this app for production by running

yarn build


I'm a huge fan of components especially because they are easy to reason about when building apps. This application does some form of componentization.. Somtething like a React component. I wrote components like Book, FeaturedBook ...

Here's an example of one of them - StarRating.js

 * @param {number} rating - The star rating - e.g StarRating(4), StarRating(5)
 * @returns {string}  A template based on the number of rating  passed

function StarRating(rating) {
  const getStar = (filled) => `
      <svg width="13" height="11" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns="">
        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.41391 0L8.28908 3.62102L12.4526 4.19917L9.43325 7.01383L10.1484 11L6.41391 9.12863L2.67947 11L3.39458 7.01383L0.375244 4.19917L4.55464 3.62102L6.41391 0Z" fill=${
          filled ? "#EBA430" : "#DDDDDD"

  let template = "";

  //Add Filled stars
  for (let i = 0; i < rating; i++) {
    template = template + getStar(true);

  //Add Unfilled stars
  for (let i = 0; i < 5 - rating; i++) {
    template = template + getStar(false);

  return template;

export default StarRating;