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Create Issue Branch

A GitHub App built with Probot that creates a new branch after assigning an issue

What does this app do?

This app can support your development workflow in three ways (modes): auto,
immediate, and chatops.

"auto" mode:

  1. An issue is created, for example: Issue 15: Fix nasty bug!

some time may pass

  1. When the issue is assigned this app will create a new issue branch
    (for the example issue this branch will be called issue-15-Fix_nasty_bug)

"immediate" mode:

  1. An issue is created, for example: Issue 15: Fix nasty bug!
  2. Immediately after creation, this app will create a new issue branch (for the
    example issue this branch will be called issue-15-Fix_nasty_bug)

"chatops" mode:

  1. An issue is created, for example: Issue 15: Fix nasty bug!

some time may pass

  1. A developer gives the ChatOps command /cib as a comment on the issue
  2. This app will create a new issue branch (this branch will be called issue-15-Fix_nasty_bug)

See the GitHub repo for configuration options.

Create issue branch after assigning issue

Pricing and setup

Create Issue Branch logo preview
Create Issue Branch

Enjoy for free

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Create Issue Branch is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.