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marick edited this page Jan 13, 2011 · 1 revision

I hope Midje's syntax is concise enough that there's no need for a tabular notation like clojure.test's are. For example, here's the use of are from the clojure.test API:

     (are [x y] (= x y)  
            2 (+ 1 1)
            4 (* 2 2))

Here's the same sort of thing in Midje:

     (facts "about arithmetic identities"
       (let [n 33] ; represents an arbitrary integer
         (+ 0 0) => 0
         (+ n 0) => n
         (* 1 1) => 1
         (* n 1) => n))

Here's another example:

     (facts "about my fast prime finder"
       (let [n 29] ; represents an arbitrarily chosen prime (other than 2)
         (nth (primes) 0)  => 2
         (nth (primes) 1)  => 3
         (nth (primes) n)  => odd?
         (nth (primes) n)  => prime?))

Only time will tell if my hope is realistic.

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