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Marcus Fedarko edited this page Oct 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Collapsing and Uncollapsing Node Groups

Individual Node Groups

You can collapse or uncollapse individual node groups in the graph by right-clicking on them (using a device that supports mouse controls). On mobile devices, you can collapse/uncollapse individual node groups by tapping on them with two fingers.

All Node Groups

Not supported in the decomposition modes.

The Collapse all Node Groups button can be used to collapse or uncollapse all node groups in the currently drawn connected component. Its label and function (collapse all vs. uncollapse all) changes as you collapse or uncollapse node groups in the connected component.

Straighten non-collapsed edges

The Straighten non-collapsed edges button changes the styling on all edges (outside of collapsed structural patterns) in the graph to simple straight lines (with the exception of certain uncommon types of edges, e.g. loops).

This can be useful for reducing edge occlusion, in uncommon cases where edges with different thicknesses are laid out in a way that covers other edges. See #127 for an example of this -- ideally this wouldn't be a problem at all, but for the time being checking ambiguous regions with straightening is a defense against this.

Note that this functionality is under development, and might not function perfectly (e.g. leaving some edges un-straightened) for certain cases.

Filter edges by weight

Not supported in the decomposition modes.

This button opens a dialog with three elements: 1) a histogram of edge weights in the currently drawn component, 2) an option to change the suggested bin count on the histogram, and 3) a control to hide all edges in the component below a certain weight.

This functionality is only supported for graphs where edge weights are present. So .db files produced from GFA or FASTG files, where edge weights aren't provided by default, won't have access to this functionality. (If your GFA/FASTG files contain edge weights as an optional property and you'd like MetagenomeScope to support this, let us know!)

Note that this functionality is under development, and might not function perfectly (e.g. not hiding certain edges) for certain cases.