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MEKS is a management system for unaccompanied children, their asylum status, logistics and placements in homes. The system provides detailed statistics and Excel reports for further data modelling.

Note: If you just want to launch the system to check it out, you can use the 2.x-stable version that contains a one command Puppet setup.


  • Ruby 3.x managed by rbenv
  • MySQL 8.x
  • ElasticSearch 7.x
  • Memcached
  • Global Assets.

Development dependencies

Development Setup

The following commands creates an Ubuntu 20.04 based Vagrant box.

$ git clone
$ cd meks
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
  1. Install the dependencies listed above.
  2. Copy and edit the config/secrets.yml.example and config/database.yml.example files.
  3. Create the databases for config/database.yml.

To run the application:

$ cd /vagrant
$ bundle exec puma

You can use seed files to create dummy data and three users, a (administrator) w (writer) and r (reader). After that you can login with one of the tree roles (no password).

$ bundle exec rake db:seed
$ bundle exec rake db:seed_rate_categories

Point a browser on your host system to Editing of the project files on your host system will be reflected when you hit reload in your browser.


Run tests before pushing code to the Git repository and before making a deployment. The application contains unit tests and high level integration/feature tests using RSpec, Capybara and headless Chromium.

See the file for installation commands of Chromium.

Run the test cases in the projects root directory in your Vagrant box:

$ cd /vagrant
$ bundle exec rspec

If some tests fail, you may want to execute a second test run. This is because an Rspec order issue that hasn't been tracked down yet.

$ bundle exec rspec --only-failures

Build and Deployment

Build and deployment is made with Capistrano.

In the project root, run one of the following commands including the appropriate environment name:

$ bundle exec cap staging deploy
$ bundle exec cap production deploy

The worker for delayed job that is used for generating reports is managed by systemd. The process is killed after a deployment and systemd is starting it automatically.


Released under AGPL version 3.