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About The Project

A social media simulator which can be used to practice situations that may arise in social media, for the public sector.

Built With

Built in Visual Studio. Server is written in C#, client in TypeScript.

Getting Started


Make sure you have Visual Studio/JetBrains Rider/Visual Studio Code, MySQL Server and Workbench installed. If no, download and install.

Open Workbench.

  • Create a new Scheme, name it for example “some”
  • Create a new User, name it for example “some”, with password set as “some”
  • Give your User rights to your “some” scheme

Your connection string will look like this:


Locate and open the *.sln file in your project folder.

Locate appsettings.json. Expand it and open appsettings.Development.json. Replace the placeholdertext “CONNECTIONSTRING” with your new connection string


The client folder is attached to the server project, but you can open the folder in any other preferred code editor.

Make sure you have NodeJs installed.

  • Open your command prompt, go to the client folder
  • Run to install packages:
    npm install
  • Run to start project:
    npm run serve


  • Visual Studio/JetBrains Rider/Visual Studio Code
  • .NET Core 2.2 SDK
  • MySQL Server
  • Workbench
  • NodeJs (v12)

Getting started

The solution comes prepared with three users and one mock scenario.

Run endpoint to create users:


Run endpoint to create scenario:


Log in as admin in the client interface to manage your scenario, and add/edit/remove scenario events, posts and comments. Scenarios and Phases needs to be added in the controller. Locate the folder Controllers and open DataController to edit/add/remove them.

To truncate:


!! This endpoint clears all data from your database !!

Now you’re all set to go. Happy coding!


Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/Feature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some Feature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/Feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


A social media simulator which can be used to practice situations that may arise in social media, for the public sector.







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