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Releases: malchata/yall.js


03 Apr 16:57
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  • This release addresses #51 (thank you, @radfahrer!) by adding the noPolyfill option.
  • Barring bugfixes, development of yall.js is complete. Please consider using native lazy loading instead if you can. A postinstall script will notify you of this on install from here on out.
  • Small tweaks to keep file size in check.
  • Fixed some wonky video autoplay issues (thanks again, @radfahrer!)

2.2.1 release!

26 Jan 18:51
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This is a small bugfix release:

  • #38 was fixed. In some cases, use of MutationObserver was not reloading images in some SPA scenarios.
  • An unlogged bug was discovered where Safari would download unnecessary assets because yall was setting src attributes before srcset attributes, causing Safari to get the src-referenced resource first. This could be side-stepped by specifying an attribute order of data-srcset first, then data-src. yall's data- attribute flipping function was refactored to fix this.
  • Slightly smaller build size.

2.2.0 release!

15 Dec 19:51
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This release adds a couple new features and bugfixes.

Bugs fixed:

  • Resolved bugs #24 and #28 by removing async decoding via Image.decode(). This feature was causing a fair bit of unpredictable behavior, so removing it was a reasonable step. It may be added back in later on if necessary.
  • Added the ability to lazy load <video> image placeholders brought in by poster. This was proposed in #32 by @DanThePainter and @leeoniya.
  • Added the ability to lazy load CSS background images. New options were added to the API to control classes used for this functionality.

2.0.2 release!

31 Jul 16:54
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Bug fixes galore:

  • Fixed #23, which encapsulates all of yall's dependent functions in the main yall function. (Thanks, @michielkouwenhoven!)
  • Fixed #21, which improves development experience on Windows machines. (Thanks, @kalled!)
  • Fixed #18, which prevents yall.js from overwriting all data- attributes on elements by using an attribute whitelist. (Thanks, @xanisu!)
  • Fixed an issue which broke yall.js on Samsung Internet.

2.0.0 release!

15 Apr 17:59
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This is a rewrite of yall.js. Improvements/changes include:

  • <iframe> elements can now be lazy loaded.
  • requestIdleCallback can be optionally used to lazy load elements while optimizing browser idle time.
  • Images can be lazy loaded after they're added to the DOM by specifying the observeChanges option.
  • Simple <img> lazy loading use cases now benefit from async decoding using Image.decode().
  • Unlike version 1, a number of configuration options now exist that allow you to change behaviors to your liking.

File an issue for any bugs you encounter. Testing was extensive, but bugs are always possible!

Happy lazy loading!

Added lazy loading for `<video>` elements.

02 Nov 17:45
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The title says it all! Check the docs or test folder for the usage pattern on <video> tags.

Fix for bug where images sometimes didn't load.

22 Oct 16:47
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Initial release.

22 Oct 15:56
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Not really the initial release, but we have to start somewhere.