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=== WooCommerce Multilingual - run WooCommerce with WPML ===
Contributors: AmirHelzer, dominykasgel, dgwatkins, adelval
Donate link:
Tags: CMS, woocommerce, commerce, ecommerce, e-commerce, products, WPML, multilingual, e-shop, shop
License: GPLv2
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.2.3
Stable tag: 3.6.7

Allows running fully multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and WPML.

== Description ==

This 'glue' plugin makes it possible to run fully multilingual e-commerce sites using [WooCommerce]( and [WPML]( It makes products and store pages translatable, lets visitors switch languages and order products in their language.

= Features =

* Lets you translate different kinds of WooCommerce product types
* Central management for translating product categories, tags and custom attributes
* Automatically synchronizes product variations and images
* Keeps the same language through the checkout process
* Sends emails to clients and admins in their selected language
* Allows inventory tracking without breaking products into languages
* Enables running a single WooCommerce store with multiple currencies

= Usage Instructions =

For step by step instructions on setting up a multilingual shop, please go to [WooCommerce Multilingual Manual]( page.

After installing, go to WPML->WooCommerce Multilingual. The 'General settings' tab will let you translate the store pages and report what taxonomy requires translation.

Then, continue to the 'Products' and any categories, tags and custom taxonomy that you use.

When you need help, go to [WooCommerce Multilingual support forum](

= Downloads =

This version of WooCommerce Multilingual works with WooCommerce 2.x.

You will also need [WPML](, together with the String Translation and the Translation Management modules, which are part of the [Multilingual CMS]( package.

= Minimum versions for WPML and modules =

WooCommerce Multilingual checks that the following versions of WPML and their components are active:

* WPML Multilingual CMS       - 3.1.5
* WPML String Translation     - 2.0
* WPML Translation Management - 1.9
* WPML Media                  - 2.1

Without having all these running, WooCommerce Multilingual will not be able to run.

== Installation ==

1. Upload 'woocommerce-multilingual' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Translate the shop pages

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does this work with other e-commerce plugins? =

No. This plugin is tailored for WooCommerce.

= What do I need to do in my theme? =

Make sure that your theme is not hard-coding any URL. Always use API calls to receive URLs to pages and you'll be fine.

= My checkout page displays in the same language =

In order for the checkout and store pages to appear translated, you need to create several WordPress pages and insert the WooCommerce shortcodes into them. You'll have to go over the [documentation]( and see that you performed all steps on the way.

== Screenshots ==

1. Translation controls for products
2. Product categories translations
3. Multiple currencies

== Changelog ==

= 3.6.7 =
* Bug fix: Converted prices in secondary currencies were incorrect in some situations. e.g. For VND with an VND:EUR exchange rate of 30,000:1
* Bug fix: Wrong urls were displayed in the  language switcher for product category or product tag urls

= 3.6.6 =
* Fixed a bug that was causing a PHP warning when using a WPML version prior 3.2

= 3.6.5 =
* Enabled the WooCommerce Bookings compatibility support
* Bug fix: Fixed a bug that caused a wrong price to be displayed when adding a product in the cart from two different languages
* Bug fix: After a product translation was edited in the standard product editor, the WooCommerce custom attribute translations were lost
* Bug fix: The product variations failed to sync when the term_id was different than the term_taxonomy_id for the terms used to create the variations
* Bug fix: Some product translations were showing non existing discounted prices
* Fixed a couple of compatibility issues with WooCommerce Product Bundles (e.g. with using the Flatsome theme) 
* Fixed a small usability issue related to Sensei
* Bug fix: Stock quantity not synchronized when items were used in orders created in the backend
* Bug fix: Payment gateways strings were not registered for string translation
* Bug fix: Global Attributes were not translated in the WooCommerce Mail
* Bug fix: In some cases the WooCommerce endpoints were not translated correctly
* Bug fix: An extra 'a' tag was added to products in the mini-cart
* Bug fix: A 404 error was returned on the translated product category archive page
* Bug fix: Some shipping methods were displayed incorrectly on the cart page when using Table Rate Shipping
* Bug fix: In some cases prices showing the Paypal order summary included decimals even if the prices were supposed to be rounded to integers
* Bug fix: When adding different variations of a product, a single variation was added more times
* Bug fix: Urls in the secondary languages were not working properly when using the deafault translations (from teh mo files) instead of translating tehm with string translation
* Bug fix: In some cases some email notification strings were not registered
* Fixed a compatibility problem with Dynamic Pricing: in a specific context, based on a price rule, the end price was multiplied by a factor with each page reload

= 3.6.4 =
* Bug fix: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM (introduced in 3.6.1)
* Bug fix: In some conditions it was not possible to load product pages in other languages than the default.
* Bug fix: Fixed some compatibility issues with Product Bundles

= 3.6.3 =
* Fixed a bug causing a PHP warning when using an older version of WPML String Translation

= 3.6.2 =
* Bug fix: A product could appear multiple times in the cart when added in different languages
* Bug fix: Product attribute labels translations were not showing on the frontend in some circumstances
* Bug fix: Attributes labels translations not showing on the 'Add product' admin panel
* Bug fix: The flags for custom languages were not showing correctly on the products editor screen
* Bug fix: The currency switcher was missing from the WooCommerce Status dashboard widget (in version 3.6.1)
* Bug fix: The auto-adjust ids functionality from WPML was not working with wc_get_product_terms
* Bug fix: The 'shop' link was stripped out of the breadcrumb in the Woocommerce product page.
* Bug fix: The product category template was not working correctly in secondary languages
* Bug fix: Fixed a problem with sanitize_title for variations in Danish and German
* Moved the Tab manager settings to separate file from the WCML config
* Duplicates for media are now being created, if missing, when product translations are created. 
* Bug fix: Fixed a fatal error that was occurring when the WPML was not updated to version 3.2 while the WPML addons were updated to the latest versions.

= 3.6.1 =
* Updated the taxonomy translation synchronization to be compatible with WPML 3.2
* Bug fix: the notice that shows up on the general settings page when the default language is not English did not hide when it was dismissed.
* Bug fix: after adding a new currency and reloading the page, the new currency was gone. Also the exchange rate was wrong after re-adding teh currency.
* Bug fix: an incorrect currency was being passed to the payment gateway when paying for an order created in the backend.
* Bug fix: the prices in the custom currencies were not saved when a product was published.
* Bug fix: extra backslashes were added when translating custom attribute name in products.
* Bug fix: custom product categories template was not working as expected
* Bug fix: updating WordPress language packs was not working when using custom locale codes in WPML
* Bug fix: Variable products returned error in secondary language "This product is currently out of stock and unavailable."
* Bug fix: The publishing date was not updating on translation when changed on the product in the original language
* Bug fix: Attributes with the value "0" value were not displayed on the front end
* Bug fix: Modified Free shipping label could not be translated
* Bug fix: When editing product translations it was possible to save an empty slug.

= 3.6 =
* Added the ability to edit the slugs of the translated products in the products editor
* Added the option to show only products with custom prices on the front end
* Performance improvements: fewer db queries, caching. Up to 40% faster on large sites.
* Support for the 'lang' parameter in WooCommerce REST API calls
* Option to hide the default currency selector on the product page
* Bug fix: Fixed a design issue on the 'connect with translation' pop-up on products.
* Bug fix: Accessing the source content in the WooCommerce Multilingual product translation content editor was not possible sometimes.
* Bug fix: 'Invisible' products were showing as links in the cart instead of just names.
* Bug fix: The cart_widget.js code was always loaded.
* Bug fix: Screen Options & Check All not working on WooCommerce Orders page
* Bug fix: Sometimes the IPN Url sent to Paypal was wrong causing a 404 error after the payment was complete
* Bug fix: Translated endpoint pages were sometimes returning 404
* Bug fix: When using a default language different than English, the product permalink base was not in English.

= 3.5.5 =
* Bug fixed: Custom attributes were disappearing after updating a product in the WooCommerce native product editor
* Tested compatibility with WordPress 4.2
* Security review and fixes
* Made the key "woocommerce_cancelled_order_settings" translatable
* Email heading and subject sent after placing an order were not translated when using ‘Complete’ button on orders page
* Bug fixed: warning about minimum order requirement always showing in some conditions when using a child theme

= 3.5.4 =
* Bug fixed: Can't access source content in WCML product translation table
* Bug fixed: Custom Post Types leads to 404 error

= 3.5.3 =
* Bug fixed: Redirection issues with "Your latest posts" as a front page
* Bug fixed: Yoast fileds not saved in WooCommerce Multilingual products table
* Bug fixed: Translated endpoints returns page not found
* Bug fixed: Custom fields are locked in variation section

= 3.5.2 =
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.3.x
* Bug fixed: Redirection issues with "Shop" page as front page
* Bug fixed: Language column was missing from the products list page
* Bug fixed: Product tags disappeared after updating the product attribute 'size'
* Bug fixed: Featured image title and text were not editable in the WooCommerce Multilingual Translation Table
* Bug fixed: Only first three attributes were available for translation
* Bug fixed: The shipping fee was not converted correctly when using the multi-currency mode
* Bug fixed: The default currency configuration (decimal & thousand separator) was ignored when the multi-currency was active
* Bug fixed: Subsequent request to product preview page lead to a 404 page.
* Bug fixed: 'Insert link' button on the visual editor of the products translations screen was not working.
* Bug fixed: Fixed another compatibility problem with WooCommerce Product Tabs
* Bug fixed: A variable product was showing an incorrect price in the cart
* Bug fixed: The flat rate shipping was showing the wrong price on the checkout page in certain conditions

= 3.5.1 =
* Bug fixed: Performance issue with queries number

= 3.5 =
* Added support for creating products in secondary languages only.
* Added enhancements for the Woocommerce Multilingual products table (filter by original language, display language flag).
* Added option to synchronize the products and product taxonomies order.
* Bug fixed: The cart was not updating quantities for variable product (when have more than one variable in the cart).
* Bug fixed: The cart total was not updating when using get_cart_total() and get_cart_subtotal() functions in other plugins or themes.
* Bug fixed: Wrong price format and order total were displayed on the new order page in the WP admin
* Bug fixed: The featured image and the gallery images were overridden when updating translations
* Bug fixed: Fixed the 'Keep' option that allows keeping the same currency on teh front end, when switching the language.
* Bug fixed: Fixed a javascript error that was showing when changing currencies order
* Bug fixed: The decimal number was not working correctly for the default currency
* Bug fixed: Fixed a compatibility problem with WooCommerce Product Tabs
* Bug fixed: A coupon was applied incorrectly to all products in the cart when they were defined for specific product variations.
* Bug fixed: WooCommerce note email language was not correct
* Bug fixed: WooCommerce reports were showing duplicate products
* Bug fixed: When using WordPress in a folder, the checkout showed an 'expired session' error message.
* Added support currency argument in raw_price_filter

= 3.4.3 =
* Bug fixed: Incorrect decimal separator for prices on WordPress admin
* Bug fixed: ‘Insert link’ button not working on products translator interface.
* Bug fixed: Switching currency after adding to cart was adding an additional item
* Bug fixed: Review setting not preserved on translation of variable product
* Bug fixed: “Visible on the products page” option for product attributes was still selectable for product translation.
* Bug fixed: Translation status icon not updated on products translator page
* Bug fixed: Shipping rate was lost when WPML is activated
* Bug fixed: WooCommerce ‘sort by’ links going to blog not products
* Bug fixed: Option to select currency position was missing immediately after a new currency was added

= 3.4.2 =
* Accommodated taxonomy translation changes in WPML

= 3.4.1 =
* Bug fix: A variable product was somtimes breaking the shopping cart
* Fixes added for translating custom fields that are textareas

= 3.4 =
* Additional support for updating the WooCommerce translations.
* Added currency switcher for the WooCommerce status widget on the WordPress admin dashboard.
* Usability fixes for the translation of custom attributes in the WooCommerce native editor.
* Added validation for the sale amount when using custom prices with multi-currency.
* Bug fixed: Incorrect currency symbol position on edit order page.
* Bug fixed: Incorrect currency displayed for order when editing an order in the backend.
* Bug fixed: Coupon option 'Exclude sale items' was not being applied correctly. Sale items were not excluded.
* Bug fixed: Currency switcher widget was not showing under the available widgets list in the backend.
* Bug fixed: The breadcrumbs structure dropped the shop page when WooCommerce Multilingual was activated.
* Bug fixed: Manually adding a product to an order is not taking a custom price (secondary currency) if set.
* Bug fixed: Error when trying to add a category when “All languages” was selected in the admin language switcher.

= 3.3.4 =
* Fixed bug related to back-compatibility with WooCommerce versions < 2.2.*

= 3.3.3 =
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.2.x
* Auto-download WooCommerce translations for active and new languages
* Page titles translations for WooCommerce pages taken from WooCommerce Multilingual .mo files
* Product base, product category slug, product tag slug and product attribute bases will always have to be translated via String Translation (not using WooCommerce translations from the mo files)
* Added warning message on settings page when product base not translated to all languages
* Fixed: Base currency format ignored after adding additional currency
* Fixed: Shipping class names were displayed wrong on the WooCommerce settings page when switching the admin language
* Fixed: WooCommerce pages were not working correctly after changing the default language
* Fixed: WooCommerce native interface doesn't copy the variations prices

= 3.3.2 =
* Fixed: 'Language warning' appears when editing product translations using the native WooCommerce editor
* Fixed: Variation cannot be added to an existing order
* Fixed: Media Attachment controls for products missing
* Prevented disabling of option to use slugs in different language for products
* Fixed: Slashes not stripped correctly in product translation editor
* Fixed: 'Copy content' button not working on product translations
* Disable admin language switcher on the Product => Attributes screen
* Allow 'woocommerce_price_display_suffix' to be translated with String Translation
* Allow 'woocommerce_email_from_name' and 'woocommerce_email_from_address' to be translated with String Translation
* Fixed: Menu order is not synced when using "drag and drop" in Products => Sort Products
* Fixed: One WooCommerce attribute field won't translate
* Fixed: Variations not showing in the correct language in some circumstances
* Optimizations for the WooCommerce Multilingual products admin page - faster when a large number of products exist
* Duplicate translations too when duplicating a WooCommerce product
* Fixed: WC Price Filter showing the wrong currency
* Ability to use any currency when creating an order in the backend.

= 3.3.1 =
* Some strings were showing in the wrong language on the cart and checkout page.
* Product category urls - in some cases the product category urls didn�t work on sites with the default language different than English.
* Products gallery images synchronization - sometimes, when synchronizing products "gallery images" and categories, the result was not  updated correctly on the Troubleshooting page
* Fixed issues related to WooCOmmerce Dynamic Pricing
* Supoprt for translating WooCommerce 2.1+ endpoints
* 'Continue Shopping' button pointing to the wrong url
* Problem with short links
* Fixed some issues with Table Rate Shipping

= 3.3 =
* Performance improvements: optimized database queries
* Support rounding rules for converted prices
* More advanced GUI for Multi-currency options
* GUI for currency switchers (including widget)
* Added option to synchronize product category display type & thumbnail
* Performance improvement for WCML_Terms::translate_category_base (avoid switching locales)
* Send admin notifications to admin default language
* Dependencies update: WooCommerce Multilingual requires WPML 3.1.5
* Set language information for existing products when installing WCML the first time.
* Do not allow disabling all currencies for a language
* Removed �clean up test content� and �send to translation� dropdown on products editor page
* Message about overwritten settings in wpml-config made more explicit
* Lock �Default variation� select field in product translations
* After change shipping method on cart page we will see not translated strings
* Fixed bug related to shipping cost calculation in multi-currency mode
* With php magic quotes on, products translations with quotes have backslashes
* Bug related to translation of grouped products � simple product not showing up on front end
* Stock actions on the order page don�t work correct with translated products
* For Orders save attributes in default language and display them on order page in admin language
* Attribute Label appearing untranslated in backend order
* Memory issues on the Products tab when we have a large number of products
* �product-category� not translated in the default language.
* �WCML_Products� does not have a method �translated_cart_item_name�
* Order completed emails sent in default currency
* Language suffix (e.g. @en) not hidden for product attributes on the front end
* Quick edit functionality issues fixed
* Fixed �Call to undefined method WC_Session_Handler::get()�
* Fatal error when updating the order status to �complete�
* Currency is not converted when you switch language until you refresh the page.
* �Super Admin� not able to see the WCML menu
* Checkout validation errors in default language instead of user language
* Fixes for compatibility with Tab manager: Can�t translate �Additional Information� tab title
* Bug: SEO title & meta description changed to original
* Bug: 404 on �view my order� on secondary language using �language name added as a parameter�
* Bug: Permalink placeholders appear translated when using default language different than English
* Fixes for compatibility with Table Rate shipping: shipping classes not decoded correctly in multi-currency mode
* Bug: �show all products� link on WCML products page points to the wrong page � no products
* Bug fix: product page redirecting to homepage when the product post type slug was identical in different languages and �language added as a parameter� was set
* Bug fixes related to File paths functionality (WooComemrce 2.1.x)
* Bug: Product parents not synced between translations (grouped products)
* Bug: Grouped products title incomplete
* Bug: Db Error when saving translation of variable products with custom attributes
* Bug: WooCommerce translated product attributes with spaces not showing
* Bug: Deactivated currency still appears if you maintain the default currency for that language to �Keep�.
* Bug: Incorrect shipping value on translated page
* Bug: Reports for products including only products in the current language (WooCommerce 2.1.x)
* Bug: WooCommerce translated product attributes with spaces not showing
* Bug: Problems creating translations for shop pages when existing pages were trashed
* Bug fix: Fatal error when Multi-currency is not enabled and �Table Rate Shipping� plugin is active
* Fixed bug in compatibility with Tab Manager
* Bug fix: Cart strings falling to default language after updating chosen shipping method
* Bug fix: Reports not including selected product/category translations

= 3.2.1 =
* Fixed bug related to product category urls translaiton
* Fixed bug related to back-compatibility with WooCommerce 2.0.20

= 3.2 =
* Compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce 2.1
* Multi-currency support: configure currencies per languages
* Multi-currency support: custom prices for different currencies
* Support translation for the attribute base (permalinks)
* Bug: Emails not sent in the correct language when uses bulk action on orders list page
* Bug: Order notes email in wrong language in certain circumstances
* Bug: Shipping method names are being registered in the wrong language
* Bug: WooCommerce Multilingual menu doesn't display for translators 
* Bug: Using 'category' for products cat slug conflicts with posts 'category'
* Bug: Paypal rejects payments with decimals on certain currencies

= 3.1 =
* Support for multi-currency (independent of language) BETA
* Support for translating products via ICanLocalize (professional translation)
* Option to synchronize product translation dates
* Compatibility with Table Rate Shipping and other extensions
* Better handling for couponse
* Fixed bug: product attributes not saved on orders
* Fixed bug: Can't get to the cart & checkout pages if they are set as child pages
* Fixed bug: Style conflicts in Dashboard for Arabic
* Fixed various issues with notification emails
* Fixed bug: Variable products default selection is not copied to translations.
* Fixed bug: Product Table is not showing Product Draft count

= 3.0.1 =
* Replaced deprecated jQuery function live()
* Fixed bug: language names not localized on products editor page
* Fixed bug: Can't set "Custom post type" to translate
* Fixed bug: Translation fields not visible - In certain circumstances (e.g. search) the translation fields corresponding to the translated languages were missing
* Fixed alignment for �Update/Save� button in the products translation editor
* Fixed bug: Default selection not copied to duplicate products
* Fixed bug: Price doesn't change when change language on the cart page when set "I will manage the pricing in each currency myself"
* Resolved one compatibility issue with Woosidebars
* Direct translators to the products translation editor automatically (instead of the standard post translation editor)
* Fixed bug: In some situations (different child categories with the same name) the wrong categories were set to a duplicated product.
* Enhancement: Add icons for products in the products translation editor
* Register WooCommerce strings (defined as admin texts in the wpml config file) automatically on plugin activation
* WPML (+addons) - new versions required.
* lcfirst is only available since php 5.3
* Identify fields on known plugins and show their human name in our product translation table (support for WordPress SEO for now)

= 3.0 =
* Brand new GUI and workflow
* Support for easy taxonomy translation 
* Bariations synchronization
* Product images synchronization

= 2.3.3 =
* Fix logout link not working in secondary language
* Fix accepting orders in backend leading to 404
* Set email headings & subjects as translatable
* Set order language when sending order emails from admin
* Sync product tags the same way as categories
* Fix bug in ajax product search filter
* Support for WooCommerce Brands extension (
* Initial support for Translation Editor
* Fix bug with cart currency updates and variations
* Fix language in new customer note notifications

= 2.3.2 =
* Sync also default options for custom attributes.
* Global resync (done only once) of the orderings of product attribute values and categories across all languages.
* Fixed a bug and a corner case in variation synchronization.

= 2.3.1 =
* Fixed incompatibility with PHP 5.2

= 2.3 =
* Refactor translation and currency conversion of products & variations in cart
* A problem we had with shipping selection was resolved in WooCommerce itself
* Improved synchronization of global product attributes, whether used for variations or not
* Custom product attributes registered as strings when defined in the backend
* Don't adjust the currency symbol in WooCommerce settings page
* Term and product category order is synchronized among languages
* Additional filters for WooCommerce emails
* Fixed layered nav widgets in translated shop page
* Synchronize Product Categories

= 2.2 =
* Price in mini-cart refreshed when changing language
* Fix bug in multilingual currency setting that slipped in 2.1

= 2.1 =
* Add admin notices for required plugins
* Add support for 'Review Order' and 'Lost Password' pages
* Fix rounding issues in currency conversion
* Variations: pick translated terms using 'trid' gives better results
* Variations: sync to all languages when there are more than 2 languages
* Improvement: load JS/CSS only when needed

= 2.0 =
* Fix variation sync to more than one language
* Fix custom field sync for new variations
* Fix rounding of amounts in PayPal
* Adjust product stock sync to WC 2.x
* Add automatic id translation of logout page
* Adjust permalink warnings to WC 2.x
* Clean up code

= 1.5 =
* Fixed manually setting prices in translated products.
* Take advantage of WPML's new slug translation feature.
* Added the possibility of translating custom attributes.
* Improvements to product variation synchronization.
* Fixed product stock sync for variable products .
* Fix and improve checks made to incompatible permalink configurations.
* Fix tax label translation when there is more than one of them.
* Send order notifications in the language the order was made.
* Removed several warnings and updated deprecated code.
* Cleanup language configuration file and add missing strings.

= 1.4 =
* Allow translating the 'Terms & Conditions' page.
* Register shipping methods strings for translation.
* Register several tax-related strings for translation.
* Fix registration of payment gateway titles and descriptions.
* Synchronize the default attribute of a variable product across its translations.
* Allow saving WooCommerce/Settings while using a non-default language.
* Fix problems when the shop page is at the home page.
* Allow using Wordpress default permalink structure aswell.
* Fix amount sent to payment gateway when using multiple currencies.
* Fix for language switcher in shop pages (fixed in WPML)
* Fix for subscriptions module price not showing (fixed in WPML)
* Rewrite product variation sync: each variation is related to its translations, sync becomes easier
* Remove several PHP warnings and notices.
* Send order status update emails in the language the order was made.

= 1.3 =
* Fixed all custom fields synchronization between translations
* Fixed the stock issue for translations
* Fixed the price filter widget for multiple currencies feature
* Fixed product duplication to a second language 
* Payment gateways texts now are translatable
* Custom variables translations now will be shown in the correct language

= 1.2 =
* Added helpful documentation buttons
* Added makes new attributes translatable automatically
* Added payment gateways translations
* Fixed order statuses disappeared in the orders page
* Fixed attributes translations in duplicated variations
* Fixed PHP warning when adding variations is in question

= 1.1 =
* Added multi-currency feature
* Fixed synchronization of attributes and variations 
* Fixed translation of attributes
* Fixed JS error in the checkout page
* Fixed enable guest checkout (no account required) issue
* Fixed Up-sells/Cross-sells search (showed all translated products)
* Fixed 'Show post translation link' repeating issue

= 1.0 =
* Fixed 'Return to store' URL
* Fixed language selector for the translated shop base pages
* Fixed the product remove URL in the translated language
* Fixed the checkout URL in the translated language
* Fix to prevent incorrect product URL in the shop base page when the permalink is not 'shop'

= 0.9 =
* First release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 2.0 =
More variation fixes and compatibility with WooCommerce 2.x

= 1.5 =
Variation translation works a lot better now. This version runs best with WooCommerce 1.6.6.

= 1.4 =
This version runs with WooCommerce 1.6.5.x and 1.7.x. Recommeded WPML version is 2.6.2 and above.

= 1.3 =
Fixed compatibility between WooCommerce 1.5.8 and WPML 2.5.2

= 1.2 =
Added a few improvements and fixed bugs.

= 1.1 =
Fixed a few bugs. Added multi-currency mode.

= 1.0 =
Recommended update! Fixed a few bugs;

= 0.9 =
* First release


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  • PHP 88.7%
  • JavaScript 8.0%
  • CSS 3.3%