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Ansible role for installing, configure and secure MariaDB on RHEL/CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu


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Ansible Ansible Galaxy

Ansible role mariadb_install

An Ansible role for installing and secure MariaDB in RHEL/CentOS (7,8) and Debian (9,10) and Ubunut (20.04, 19.10, 18.04, 16.04) distributions. Specifically, the responsibilities of this role are to:

  • Install MariaDB packages from the official MariaDB repositories
  • Configuration Mariadb server
  • Set database root password
  • Remove anonmous users
  • Remove test database
  • Remove remove root remote connection
  • Create database
  • Create database user
  • Import files/*.sql scripts to database


$ ansible-galaxy install mahdi22.mariadb_install

Role Variables

Basic configuration

Variable Default Comments
mariadb_version '10.4' Set mariadb version: - v(10.5 10.4 10.3) RHEL/Centos 8, Debian 10, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 19.10. - v(10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1) RHEL/CentOS 7, Debian 9, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 16.04
bind-address '' Set this to the IP address of the network interface to listen on, or '' to listen on all interfaces.
configure_swappiness 'True' When True, this role will set the "swappiness" value (see mariadb_swappiness.
create_database 'False' Set create_database: True to create database.
database '' Set the database name. Sould be used with create_database: true
port 3306 The port number used to listen to client requests
mysql_root_password 'azerty' Set the MariaDB root password
mariadb_service mariadb Name of the service
swappiness '10' "Swappiness" value (string). System default is 60. A value of 0 means that swapping out processes is avoided.
create_db_user 'False' set create_db_user: True to create user database.
db_user_name '' Set the user to be added. Should be usee with create_database: true, create_db_user: true and database defined
db_user_password '' Set the user database password.
priviliges 'ALL' Set the user database priviliges.
mariadb_logrotate: rotate '7' Set mariadb logrotate rotate number.
mariadb_logrotate: rotation 'daily' Set mariadb logrotate rotation.
use_proxy 'False' Set this variable to True if the managed hosts are bihind a web proxy... default False
import_sql_file 'False' set this variable to True to import sql files in databases... default False
sql_file_name '[]' List of sql files name to import in databases (one file or more)... This variable should be defined if import_sql_file is true


(1) To remove remote connection for mysql root user, set the parameter deny_remote_connections: true. E.g.: defaults/main.yml

deny_remote_connections: true

(2) It is highly recommended to set the database root password! Leaving the password empty is a security risk. The role will issue a warning if the variable was not set. Default Password "azerty" defaults/main.yml

mysql_root_password: 'azerty'

(3) To import sql script in databases, set import_sql_file: true, define sql_file_name and put your sql scripts in files directory (mahdi22.mariadb_install/files/). E.g.: defaults/main.yml

import_sql_file: true
    - sqlscript1.sql
    - sqlscript2.sql
    - sqlscriptN.sql

Example Playbook

Playbook example to execute role using defaults parameters and variables

- hosts: mariadb
    - role: mahdi22.mariadb_install
      become: yes

Playbook example to execute role using somes variables

- hosts: mariadb
    - role: mahdi22.mariadb_install
      become: yes
        mariadb_version: "10.5"
        deny_remote_connections: true
        mysql_root_password: "azerty"
        create_database: true
        database: database_test
        create_db_user: true
        db_user_name: user_database
        db_user_password: password

Playbook example to execute role using Web Proxy

- hosts: mariadb
    - role: mahdi22.mariadb_install
      become: yes
        mariadb_version: "10.5"
        deny_remote_connections: true
        mysql_root_password: "azerty"
        create_database: true
        database: database_test
        create_db_user: true
        db_user_name: user_database
        db_user_password: password
        use_proxy: yes
          http_proxy: http://proxy.local:8080/
          https_proxy: http://proxy.local:8080/

Playbook example to execute role with import sql script

- hosts: mariadb
    - role: mahdi22.mariadb_install
      become: yes
        mariadb_version: "10.5"
        deny_remote_connections: true
        mysql_root_password: "azerty"
        create_database: true
        database: database_test
        create_db_user: true
        db_user_name: user_database
        db_user_password: password
        use_proxy: yes
          http_proxy: http://proxy.local:8080/
          https_proxy: http://proxy.local:8080/
        import_sql_file: true
          - sqlscript1.sql
          - sqlscript2.sql
          - sqlscriptN.sql


This role is tested on Linux distributions:

  • RHEL/CentOS 8
  • RHEL/CentOS 7
  • Debian 10
  • Debian 9
  • Debian 8
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Ubuntu 19.10
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04