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Certainly! Here's a README for your Puppeteer script:

Puppeteer Web Scraping Script

My small project about checking menu of Foodoo student`s restaurant at Oulu universite to get the downloaded menu and screenshot.

This is a Node.js script that uses Puppeteer, a headless browser automation tool, to scrape a webpage, capture a snapshot, take a screenshot, and extract text content from a specified webpage. It also includes a step to interact with the webpage by clicking on a specific element.


Before running this script, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js: You can download it from
  • npm (Node Package Manager): npm usually comes with Node.js.

Additionally, you will need to install the Puppeteer package:

npm install puppeteer


  1. Clone this repository or create a new Node.js project.

  2. Create a new JavaScript file (e.g., scrape.js) and copy the script into this file.

  3. Replace the URL in the script with the webpage you want to scrape:

    await page.goto("");
  4. Run the script using Node.js:

    node scrape.js

The script will perform the following actions:

  1. Launch a headless browser.
  2. Navigate to the specified webpage.
  3. Click on an element containing the text "English" using page.evaluate.
  4. Capture a snapshot of the webpage in MHTML format and save it as page.mhtml.
  5. Take a screenshot of the webpage and save it as screenshot.png.
  6. Extract the text content of the webpage and save it as foodoo_menu.txt.
  7. Close the browser.

You can customize the script for your specific use case or further process the captured data as needed.

Future enhancements

  • Add CSS locator for English menu and send it to email.
  • Go to each meal calories estimation and estimate what is the healthiest option.
  • Any suggestions?


This script is provided under the MIT License.


Puppeteer framework testing to get the menu of the day in fav restaurant automatically.







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