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Releases: maehw/WebPBrick

Release version 0.2.0: add web-based visual programming editor called BlockNQC

03 May 12:03
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I've already committed the CHANGELOG:

Everything is still pretty experimental and a proof-of-concept... but you can try out BlockNQC now!

Feel free to test & give feedback! Also happy to see contributions from others!

Known Issues

  • USB communication is work in progress and therefore LEGO USB IR Tower connection is not made available yet


  • Official LEGO firmware v03.09 and v03.32 (v03.28 already existed)
  • Initial version of BlockNQC - a visual programming editor that generates NQC code from custom blocks


  • Firmware update installs official LEGO firmware v03.32 by default (instead of v03.28)

Initial release: release version 0.1.0

14 Apr 21:54
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I've already committed the CHANGELOG:

Everything is still pretty experimental and a proof-of-concept. Feel free to test & give feedback! Also happy to see contributions from others!

Known Issues

  • USB communication is work in progress and therefore LEGO USB IR Tower connection is not made available yet


  • Initial version of WebNQC (WebAssembly version of NQC)
  • Initial version of IDE code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Initial version of RCX binary image format parser
  • Initial versions of RCX communication libraries (Web Serial API, WebUSB API)