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Spearmint optimizer for MLP neural networks

  • Search best hyperparameters for neural network.
  • Find best hyperparameters for every dense layer in the neural network. Specify which parameter will be learned, and set the other a specific value.
  • No code, only json, and pb files


  • Install dependencies with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install Lasagne from github
pip install -r
pip install
  • Install spearmint. More info here

Optimization variables

Each layer in the neural network has different hyperparameters from the number of hidden neuron to the l1 regularization applied on its weights.
From the first hidden layer, up to the output layer,parameters can be learned/pre-defined (globally or indenpendantly). A layer is defined as:

class Layer:
	l1_reg: float
		l1 regularization coefficient	
	l2_reg: float
		l2 regularization coefficient
	drop_p: float (between 0 and 1)
		dropout probablity
	batch_norm: boolean ("Yes", "False")
		batch normalize, or not, before activation
	non_linearity: string ("relu", "tanh")
		activation function 
	n_hidden: integer
		number of hidden neurons
	# more to come


Create a config.pb file.

Create an entry for every hyperparameters that you want Spearmint to learn. Size parameter should be the depth of your neural network

# Example for the l2_reg parameter
variable {
    name = "l2_reg" 
    type = FLOAT
    size = 3 # number of layers = 3
    min = 0
    max = 100

Create a predefined_values.json file.

Every parameter of any Layer, can be set to a value. It prevent Spearmint to learn it. Unless the number of hidden neurons is a parameter to learn, make sure to set it a value. If you don't, a default value from the default_values.json will be affected to every layer.

How to structure your json file

  1. "layer_nb" : the layers depth, started at 0
  2. "properties" : you can set every parameter from the Layer object.


  "layers": [
      "layer_nb": 1,
      "properties": {
        "l2_reg": 0.01

Run the script

It will modify the config.file based on predefined_values.json file. Parser script is in the script folder

Create a default_values.json file

If a parameter of a layer is not to learn, and hadn't either be manually set, give it a default value, in this file.

  "non_linearity": "relu",
  "n_hidden": 1000,
  "l1_reg": 0.01,
  "l2_reg": 0.02,
  "dropout": 0.2,
  "batch_norm": "True"

Modify global parameters, such as n_epochs, n_inputs, batchsize, optimizer in global_nn_parameters.json

Run spearmint

  • Run spearmint from the spearmint bin/ folder with the command:
./spearmint path_to_project_folder/config.pb  --driver=local --method=GPEIChooser --method-args=noiseless=0 --max-concurrent=2
  • Cleanup the project folder
./cleanup path_to_project_folder

More info about Spearmint on here


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