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Releases: loomio/loomio

Important security and bug fixes

10 Mar 23:31
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Hello, we recommend everyone upgrade to this new release:

  • Fix: Use the right icon for abstain (thanks @ludat)
  • Fix Address low risk RCE vulnerability when importing group data via the admin panel
  • Feature: User edit profile page will allow you to manually select your time zone
  • Improvement: only show public groups on user profile page
  • Fix UX: do not set notification recipients from template when editing a discussion
  • Feature (API): Allow admins to manage memberships of any group (thanks @anarute)
  • Fix: fix bug with pollOptionIds and lodash's map, which was breaking edit vote

Thanks for reading :)

v2.22.1 minor bugfixes

22 Feb 10:14
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Hello. Thanks for reading the release notes. This is a recommended upgrade for everyone running v2.22.0 and will become the latest stable release.

It includes:

  • A number of important bug fixes related to handling membership records
  • Breaking change: remove api/b1 interface. Please upgrade to api/b2 if you use the Loomio API to create threads or polls
  • Remove new thread button from sidebar. You need to start a thread from the group page, or from the private threads page, so that you choose a template when starting a thread
  • Fix permissions for close/reopen thread
  • Ruby and Node library upgrades


06 Feb 03:13
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The major change in this release is under the hood.

Membership records are no longer deleted when you remove a member. Instead we mark the membership as revoked, so we can see who revoked the membership and when. This means we can answer the question of "who removed this person from the group", which comes up from time to time.

We also improve handling of guest records - DiscussionReaders and Stances are the records which relate users to Threads and Polls. We now have a boolean "guest" to identify which of these records grants access to non members. This makes the data much easier to reason about.

This fixes a few security issues related to removing someone from your group and ensuring they can no longer access any information in the group.

Other notable changes:

  • Mentioning a user with @mention is much (approximately 10x) faster now. Thank goodness, eh.
  • We fixed quotes when writing in markdown
  • Fix handling of attachments when using local disk service
  • Blank thread template will notify the group by default

After this release we will remove the deprecated API api/b1. There have been deprecation warnings in place for a while. The recommended API to use is api/b2

Improve handling of anonymous polls (and other improvements)

14 Jan 21:17
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A bugfix and stability release.

  • add width: auto for formatted-text img
  • add OAUTH_LOGIN_PROVIDER_NAME and SAML_LOGIN_PROVIDER_NAME vars (allowing you to give a name to your login provider button)
  • avoid sending empty catch up emails
  • fix discussion_edited event so it shows the edit time correctly
  • fix display of poll results for some cases in dot vote poll
  • Update ReceviedEmailService#delete_old_emails to treat all emails the same
  • fix an issue where voter anonymity could be revealed
  • fix a problem where the poll results filter would reveal what someone voted for
  • When a thread has an anonymous poll, hide the announcement viewed information

v2.21.4 Email to group

10 Dec 23:54
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This release is a good one!

We've included the new "email to group" feature. This means as a member of a group, you can send or forward an email to your group email address and it will become a new thread in the group.

We've also done a lot of work on tidying the CSS, fixing bugs and improving load times significantly. Using the new vite bundler we now only load the parts of the app that are necessary on first load.

Link previews have been tamed a little, so they're not so big, and we don't show repeats if the link already has a preview in the thread.

For the rest of the year I'll be focusing on documenting all the new features and updating our help docs.

v2.21.3 Use to vite to build frontend. Many bugfixes

16 Nov 20:58
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This release we dropped webpack and moved to vite.
Lots of bug fixes in this release. It's considered a stable release.

  • Thread page performance is greatly improved. Less jumping when opening a thread, faster loading.
  • Show tooltip with option meaning in poll results table
  • fix for mentioning users in group descriptions
  • only create a new stance event in a discussion if there are replies
  • Fix issue #9818 "needs vote" filter does not update pagination
  • Ensure we pretranslate demo group in all supported locales
  • fix issue downloading user avatar when using single sign on
  • fix tasks page for outcome task
  • better detection of google docs sign in title
  • Fix bug on discussion form when using a template
  • Don't show replies or reactions or allow comments if a polls results are hidden
  • Do not show poll results in thread nav sidebar if results are hidden

v2.21.2 Goodbye Coffeescript

02 Nov 04:27
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554 files changed. That's me converting every piece of Coffeescript into JS.

Insert montage of 3 days of furious, repetitive coding here.

Now we're in JS, I can upgrade the build system and other libraries more easily, and it should be easier for people to contribute to Loomio, too.

Other big changes:
We've added support for Japanese, Catalan, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Turkish, Greek, Croatian, Korean, Finnish, Slovenian, Romanian

This is made possible because we are now for automatically translating the application with Google Translate. It seems like people are happy with the translations, so I'm adding more languages.

Other changes:

  • Upgrade the Dockerfile to build node.js the recommended way.
  • Ensure we only show "notify everyone when poll starts" on new poll form
  • fix bug where you could not edit outcome review date
  • You can now provide template text for a outcome statement as part of the proposal template
  • Fix a bug viewing large threads - it was requesting lots of stuff and not using the result. Should be faster now.

v2.21.1 bug fixes

26 Oct 07:39
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  • allow mentioning unverified users
  • fix "Make a copy" of thread
  • dont fetch discussion_templates/null from /d/new
  • Enable creation of a user account with a pending_group invitation
  • clone category of group

Thread templates, record audio & video

24 Oct 21:11
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We're super excited to finally release this work.

Thread templates follows on from the success of proposal templates released in July this year.
It allows you to use a predefined template to start a thread, helping you create a better context for your readers, and make repeatable workflows for your group processes.

Record audio & video messages
By popular request, you can now record an audio message directly into your comment, discussion context, poll or vote. If you have an OpenAI api key on your server, then a transcription of the message will appear under the recording after you save it.

Video messages are supported too, but there is no automatic transcription. We may even remove video message recording by default, as Safari cannot open videos recorded by Chrome and Firefox currently. Blame Apple for this.

Other minor stuff:

Closing a thread will now lock the thread so no new comments, edits, or changes can be made to the thread.

Immediately after inviting a person to your group, you can add invite them to polls. This means you don't have to wait for people to accept their invitations before starting discussions or proposals. However these people will need to accept the invitation before more notifications arrive.


23 Oct 21:41
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Change memberships.archived_at to revoked_at.

It's likely you'll need to migrate through this version when upgrading.