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How To Use

Julien Cruz edited this page Jan 19, 2015 · 7 revisions

Note: We will be updating this section of the document shortly. Please mind the dust while we finish adding the remainder of the documentation.


When the StreamFlow application is started, an embedded Jetty server is initialized utilizing the server.port property in the streamflow.yml configuration. To load the StreamFlow UI, browse to http://{SERVER_HOST}:{SERVER_PORT} from any current web browser.

Note: If you do not see the server.port property in your configuration or you have not modified the configuration, the default port is 8080

If the StreamFlow server was started successfully, you should see the StreamFlow UI load. If authentication is enabled in the configuration, you should see the StreamFlow login dialog overlaid on the StreamFlow UI.


The Dashboard interface is used to provide a quick view of topologies in the cluster that are running or have been recently terminated. It also provides a quick view of all registered Storm clusters so you can easily view their status without needing to login to the native Storm UI.

For detailed usage of the Dashboard tool, please see Dashboard


The Topologies interface is used to build and manage your topologies. It provides a graphical user interface to author new topologies, as well as view status, logs, and metrics for your topologies.

For detailed usage of the Topologies tool, please see Topologies


The Frameworks interface is used to manage all the frameworks for your instance. Framework JARs can be uploaded which are used as the basis for authoring new topologies.

For detailed usage of the Frameworks tool, please see Frameworks


The Resources interface is used to create new resources which can be used in your topologies. Resources are used to register commonly used logic and settings and can be loaded by supported components.

For detailed usage of the Resources tool, please see Resources


The Accounts interface is used to manage user accounts in StreamFlow is authentication is enabled. The Accounts tab is not visible if authentication is disabled.

For detailed usage of the Accounts tool, please see Accounts