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teamassignment is a Python script that assigns people to teams, based on their answers to the Individual Differences Survey.


  • Python 3.6. Required Python packages are listed in requirements.txt.
  • Java JRE 6 or later.
  • The Java library mdgp_jors_2011.jar (also available in this repo, in case the Optsicom website goes down). This jar must be located in the same directory as the Python script,
  • Note: the Python script will write files to the same directory that are inputs and outputs for the Java library; their filenames are "block_n_mdgp_solver_input.tx" and "block_n_mdgp_solver_output.txt", where n is an integer, so make sure nothing in the folder is named that or it will be overwritten.
  • Note: Input data must have variable names matching those in the data dictionary.

To run:

To test it, you can run it with the sample data that T&E provided.

You can run the script from the command line like so:

python <inputfile.csv> <outputfile.csv> <num_teams_per_block> <condition>

Input and output filenames are required. The last two arguments are optional; default values are 14 and swarm. The script will infer team size from the number of participants in the input data.

For the pilot, there should be 60 subjects in the SWARM condition, so <num_teams_per_block> should be 2. For the pilot, you would call the team assignment script like so:

python inputfile.csv outputfile.csv 2

And if another performer (e.g. BARD) wants to use it, they can call it like so:

python inputfile.csv outputfile.csv 2 bard

I've hard-coded a time-limit for the solver, so it will take two minutes to assign each block of participants to teams.

Background on the solver

My goal was to increase diversity within teams. This is an instance of the Maximally Diverse Grouping Problem (MDGP). It's like an anti-clustering problem: you want to group elements together if they're different rather than similar.

Like clustering, the problem divides into two parts. First, define a distance function that tells you how different any two people are. Second, find a partition that maximises the sum of distances among the pairs within each group. The second step is what most MDGP papers address.

Most recent MDGP papers benchmark their methods against a publicly available library of MDGP solvers, available from the Optsicom website. I used this library. Unfortunately it's not open-source. You have to call the jar from the command line and pass it a text file of pairwise distances and constraints (number of teams, limits on team size). It then writes its solution to file.

The wrapper

I wrote a Python wrapper that does the following:

  1. Takes a CSV file of responses to the Individual Differences Survey
  2. Calculates the distances between individuals & writes them to file
    • Features: for the psych tests, I only used the scores (I ignored responses to individual items, and the timing measures). I ignored college major and other language because they're free text input. Otherwise I used all the substantive variables.
    • Normalisation: I normalised each variable to have range 0-1
    • Distance function: Manhattan distance
  3. Runs the MDGP solver on that input, interprets the solver's output, and writes the final team assignments to file.

It's pretty simple; if you want to modify, say, the distance function it should be straightforward.


The MDGP solver dramatically improves covariate balance across teams, for all features, with real data. To evaluate performance, I took T&E's sample of 301 people, and used the solver to create 10 teams of 30 or 31 people. I looked at the variation among the team means on each variable. Compared to random assignments, the solver reduces the standard deviation of the mean by about 65% for all variables:

Covariate balance improved 65% with the solver

The solver also produces a small but consistent improvement in diversity within teams. The mean of the within-team standard deviations increased by about 3% for all variables:

Team diversity improved 3% with the solver

Note: In relative terms, the improvement in covariate balance looks larger than the improvement in within-team diversity. However, in absolute terms, the increase in within-team variance must be exactly the same size as the decrease in between-team variance. This follows from the Law of Total Variance.


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