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  • Docker must be installed on your machine.


Pull mongo image first

docker pull mongo

Pull llleeemh/uxagent-backend. Visit the backend docker repo.

docker pull llleeemh/uxagent-backend

Pull llleeemh/uxagent-frontend. Visit the frontend docker repo.

docker pull llleeemh/uxagent-frontend

Create a docker network

docker network create my_network

Run MongoDB on that network

docker run  --name my_mongodb --network my_network -d mongo

Copy the dataset to my_mongodb container

docker cp mongodb-data/uxagent/ my_mongodb:/data

Please get the mongodb-data/uxagent/ in this repo by link.

Before inserting the database, you need to get in the environment of my_mongodb.

docker exec -it my_mongodb /bin/bash

Then, insert collections to my_mongodb database

mongorestore --host my_mongodb --port 27017 --drop --db uxagent /data/uxagent

Run uxagent backend

docker run --name my_express --network my_network -p 3000:3000 -d llleeemh/uxagent-backend

Run uxagent frontend

docker run -p 8080:80 --name my_frontend -d llleeemh/uxagent-frontend

Finally, please visit http://localhost:8080/


For wizard

After opening the website in your browser, please use login by

username: admin
password: 123

To create participant's account (better create it in advance), please include condition (i.e. c1, c2 and c3) in the username. For instance,

username: [username]@[condition]

Before the session, wizard has to select a participant by chat list (on the left side). Otherwise, you will not receive any message from the participant.

For participant

  • Just use it normally. The video player may not be at your expectations, since we only keep the basic functions to control the variables for modeling the impact of conversation.

How to retrieve recordings

Just check the recordings

First, you need to get in the environment of my_mongodb.

docker exec -it my_mongodb /bin/bash

Then, use mongosh to get into MongoDB service. To check the uxagent collection, by

use uxagent

Finally, check and query the recordings of a certain participants in record document by


Extract recordings

After enter the environment of my_mongodb, we extract the database by

mongodump --host my_mongodb --port 27017 --out /data --db uxagent --collection record

Or by

mongoexport --host my_mongodb --port 27017 --out /data/record.json --db uxagent --collection record

Then, copy files from docker to server enviornment by

docker cp my_mongodb:/data/uxagent/record.bson record.bson

Or by

docker cp my_mongodb:/data/record.json record.json

Finally, download the file by the native interface in SSH-in-browser.


ConversationalAgent-UX-Analysis Meeting Notes





