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Releases: lepoco/wpfui


04 Feb 22:39
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TBA - Will update this release note soon <3

What's Changed

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19 Aug 04:48
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The 2.1.0 release is meant to bring users a bit closer to version 3.0.0 without the need for a complete redesign of the app.

Key changes include:

  • Dropping support for .NET 5
  • Adding support for .NET 7
  • Dropping support for .NET Framework 4.6.1
  • Adding support for .NET Framework 4.6.2
  • Updating the structure of the soluion to one compatible with 3.0.0
  • Fluent System Icons upgrade to version 1.1.210
  • SymbolExtensions refactoring
  • NumberBox refactoring
  • PasswordBox refactoring

Style updates:

  • Anchor
  • AutoSuggestBox
  • Button
  • ComboBox
  • Hyperlink
  • ListBox
  • ListView
  • NumberBox
  • PasswordBox
  • TextBox
  • ThumbRate
  • TreeView

API changes:

  • Renaming Glyph to SymbolGlyph
  • Moving RelayCommand from Wpf.Ui.Common to Wpf.Ui.Input

Besides, Docfx for WPF UI 2.X has been synchronized with 3.X, so you can locally generate nicer docs.

Version 2.+ will be maintaned only for bug fixes. Serious architectural flaws are slowly being fixed as part of the 3.0.0 preview.


25 Sep 22:47
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Release 2.0.3 brings together the last small fixes and some bugs. Some controls have been improved and the styles are even closer to Win Ui. However, we have a long way to go. Work on the new navigation has started and can be watched in branch refactor/navigationview.

New documentation based on the wonderful DocFX has also been released. Is it better than before? I would not say that, but DocFX will certainly facilitate the creation of descriptions of how classes and features work. We invite everyone willing to do their favorite work of programmers, i.e. collecting documentation... satisfaction guaranteed.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Finally, thank you very much to everyone who gets involved in the project and reports bugs. Recently, I have less time to work on WPF UI, but I can assure you that there is still a long and fun way to go for this project. Thank you also to everyone who sends PRs and suggestions, thanks to you I feel that we are creating something together ❤️

Full Changelog: 2.0.2...2.0.3


18 Jul 22:19
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What's Changed

  • Fluent System Icons updated to 1.1.176
  • New custom Visual Studio 2022 icons for controls preview
  • New extended TreeViewItem with symbol icon support #277
  • Refactor NotifyIcon and fix #264
  • Extend navigation aware pages with INavigableView<T> interface
  • Demo App.xaml.cs more like Win Ui projects
  • Refactor ThemeResource markup extension enumeration
  • Dont force a default font #242
  • Add text wrapping, footer, buttons control and focus to Dialog
  • Fix legacy ArcylicEffect by @U-C-S in #232
  • Include metadata manifest in NuGet package for controls visibility
  • Add dependency injection for snackbar, dialog by @IvanDmitriev1 in #231
  • Fix reveal functionality of PasswordBox by @mastry in #274
  • Assign navigation event handler to new collection in navigation to allow sourced items
  • Refactor the Dialog control and service #231 #229
  • Abstract the Snackbar control and refactor the Snackbar service #231
  • Verify transparency for Acrylic effect in UiWindow #232
  • UnsafeNativeMethods updated
  • GitHub lock workflow added

Breaking changes

  • Remove ViewModelBase because the MVVM / DI frameworks provide the appropriate interfaces and classes
  • Use ControlsDictionary and ThemesDictionary instead of Resources for markup initialization

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.0.2


18 Jun 15:40
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What's Changed

  • Add SetSystemAccent to MVVM theme service
  • Refactor and fix ComboBox [#226][#174]
  • Update extension templates
  • Update DependaBot
  • Fix critical error in NavigationItem, when setting a PageType
  • Rename Accent brushes
  • Fix NavigationHeaderIcon
  • Refactor RadioButton style according to Win Ui styles
  • Refactor ToggleSwitch template according to Win Ui styles
  • Bump Microsoft.VisualStudio.SDK from 17.0.32112.339 to 17.2.32505.173 in /src by @dependabot in #224

Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1


16 Jun 21:33
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Release 2.0.0

We jumped one revision up because this release breaks absolutely everything.

Is this release good? Not necessarily, it needs to be polished, but the number of changes is already so big that I think we should have it for now. Version 2.0.1 should be published soon.

What's new?

  • Namespace changed from WPFUI to Wpf.Ui. I didn't like any other one
  • .NET Framework 4.6 has been changed to 4.6.1
  • MVVM support for navigation
  • Several ready-made services for MVVM in Wpf.Ui.Mvvm.Services namespace have been added
  • Navigation rewritten
  • SearchBox has been replaced with AutoSuggestBox
  • The styles of all text fields have been rewritten
  • The buttons have been rewritten
  • Fluent System Icons updated
  • Everything related to Interop, Win32 and native functions has been rewritten
  • UiWindow and UiPage controls have been added
  • TitleBar has been significantly refactored
  • SnapLayout has been rewritten and... is not working.
  • The way themes work has been reworked
  • A new project has been added - Wpf.Ui.FontMapper, for easier work with Fluent System Icons
  • A new project has been added - Wpf.Ui.SimpleDemo, because now the main demo uses MVVM and may be too difficult for beginners
  • A new project has been added - Wpf.Ui.Extension, a project for a plugin for Visual Studio 2022
  • And many more...

What's Changed

  • EditableTextBox respects Foreground by @trungnt2910 in #170
  • Let the keyboard navigation work correctly in the Navigatioin controls. by @walterlv in #181
  • Don't let the ItemsControls in Navigation Fluents focusable. by @walterlv in #180
  • Don't let the button icons focusable. by @walterlv in #179
  • Add a layer for debugging focus and keyboard navigation. by @walterlv in #183
  • The SPACE and the ENTER key can active the focused navigation item. by @walterlv in #184
  • Fix OS version checks on .NET Framework by @yoshiask in #193
  • Fix horizontal scrollbar crash by @Marplex in #194
  • Merge development by @pomianowski in #222

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.2.6...2.0.0


02 May 16:19
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Release 1.2.6

Like every previous release, this one introduces a number of changes that require a code update.

What's new?

  • The Demo app has been rewritten from scratch.
  • Fixed and made some changes to all controls responsible for navigation.
  • The structure of the project has been rebuilt.
  • Introduced top-file namespaces with C# 10.
  • Organization of Interop and Win32 directories. Borrowed some code from the WPF repository.
  • Compatibility check for Mica disabled. It should now work for both Light and Dark regardless of the system theme.
  • ProgressRing animations have been improved.
  • Rewritten everything related to NotifyIcon and Tray.
  • Snackbar now has an Appearance attribute.
  • TitleBar now has a Header parameter. It allows you to set custom content.
  • Several bugs with ContextMenu have been fixed.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.2.2...1.2.6


20 Mar 20:08
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: