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Lua library for sanitizing, parsing, and editing untrusted HTML


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A Lua library for working with HTML and CSS. It can do HTML and CSS sanitization using a whitelist, along with general HTML parsing and transformation. It also includes a query-selector syntax (similar to jQuery) for scanning HTML.

Security: This library is used to parse and verify a large amount of untrusted user generated content on production commercial applications. It is actively monitored and updated for security issues. If you uncover any vulnerabilities contact with subject web_sanitize security vulnerability. Do not publicly post security vulnerabilities on the issue tracker. When in doubt, send private email.


local web_sanitize = require "web_sanitize"

-- Fix bad HTML
  [[<h1 onload="alert('XSS')"> This HTML Stinks <ScRiPt>alert('hacked!')]]))
--  <h1> This HTML Stinks &lt;ScRiPt&gt;alert(&#x27;hacked!&#x27;)</h1>

-- Sanitize CSS properties
print(web_sanitize.sanitize_style([[border: 12px; behavior:url(;]]))
--  border: 12px

-- Extract text from HTML
print(web_sanitize.extract_text([[<div class="cool">Hello <b>world</b>!</div>]]))
-- Hello world!


$ luarocks install web_sanitize

HTML Sanitizer

web_sanitize tries to preserve the structure of the input as best as possible while sanitizing bad content. For HTML, tags that don't match a whitelist are escaped and written as plain text. Attributes of accepted tags that don't match the whitelist are stripped from the output. You can instruct the sanitizer to insert your own attributes to tags as well, for example, all a tags will have a rel="nofollow" attribute inserted by default configuration.

The sanitizer does not aim to be a complete HTML parser, but instead its goal is to accept a strict subset of HTML and reject everything else. If you want a more complete HTML parser you can use the HTML Parser/Scanner described below.

Any unclosed tags that are approved will be closed at the end of the string. This means it's safe to put sanitized HTML anywhere in an existing document without worrying about breaking the structure.

If an outer tag is prematurely closed before the inner tags, the inner tags will automatically be closed.

  • <li><b>Hello World<li><b>Hello World</b></li>
  • <li><b>Hello World</li><li><b>Hello World</b></li>

CSS Sanitizer

A whitelist is used to define an approved set of CSS properties, along with a type specification for what kinds of parameters they can take. If a CSS property is not in the whitelist, or does not match the type specification then it is stripped from the output. Any valid CSS properties are preserved though.

Function Reference

local web_sanitize = require("web_sanitize")



Sanitizes HTML using the whitelist located in require "web_sanitize.whitelist"

local safe_html = web_sanitize.sanitize_html("hi<script>alert('hi')</script>")


Extracts just the textual content of unsafe HTML, returning valid HTML. No HTML tags will be present in the output. There may be HTML escape sequences present if the text contains any characters that might be interpreted as part of an HTML tag (eg. a <).

local text = web_sanitize.extract_text("<div>hello <b>world</b></div>")



Sanitizes a list of CSS attributes (not an entire CSS file). Suitable for use on the style HTML attribute.

local safe_style = web_sanitize.sanitize_style("border: 12px; behavior:url(;")

Configuring The Whitelist


The default whitelist provides a basic set of authorized HTML tags. Feel free to submit a pull request if there is something missing.

Get access to the whitelist like so:

local whitelist = require "web_sanitize.whitelist"

Its recommended to make clone of the whitelist before modifying it:

local my_whitelist = whitelist:clone()

-- let iframes be used in sanitzied HTML
my_whitelist.tags.iframe = {
  width = true,
  height = true,
  frameborder = true,
  src = true,

In order to use your modified whitelist you'll need to instantiate a Sanitizer object directly:

local Sanitizer = require("web_sanitize.html").Sanitizer
local sanitize_html = Sanitizer({whitelist = my_whitelist})

sanitize_html([[<iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>]])

See whitelist.moon for the default whitelist.

The whitelist table has three important fields:

  • tags: a table of valid tag names and their corresponding valid attributes
  • add_attributes: a table of attributes that should be inserted into a tag
  • self_closing: a set of tags that don't need a closing tag

The tags field specifies tags that are possible to be used, and the attributes that can be on them.

A attribute whitelist can be either a boolean, or a function. If it's a function then it takes as arguments value, attribute_name, and tag_name. If this function returns a string, then that value is used to replace the value of the attribute. If it returns any other value, it's coerced into a boolean and used to determine if the attribute should be kept.

For example, you could include sanitize_style in the HTML whitelist to allow a subset of CSS:

local web_sanitize = require "web_sanitize"
local whitelist = require("web_sanitize.whitelist"):clone()

-- set the default style attribute handler
whitelist[1].style = function(value)
  return web_sanitize.sanitize_style(value)

The add_attributes can be used to inject additional attributes onto a tag. The default whitelist contains a rule to make all links nofollow:

whitelist.add_attributes = {
  a =  {
    rel = "nofollow"

As an example, you could change this to make it also add a rel=noopener as well:

whitelist.add_attributes.a = {
  rel = "nofollow noopener"

Add attributes can also also take a function to dynamically insert attribute values based on the other attributes in the tag. The function will receive one argument, a table of the parsed attributes. These are the attributes as written in the original HTML, it does not reflect any changes the sanitizer will make to the element. The function can return nil or false to make no changes, or return a string to add an attribute containing that value.

Here's how you might add nofollow noopener to every link except those from a certain domain:

whitelist.add_attributes.a = {
  rel = function(attr)
    for tuple in ipairs(attr) do
      if tuple[1]:lower() == "href" and not tuple[2]:match("^https?://") then
        return "nofollow noopener"

The format of the attributes argument has all attributes stored as {name, value} tuples in the numeric indices, and the normalized (lowercase) attribute name and value stored in the hash table component. The hash table component is added for convenience. For security critical testing you should iterate over the numerical components to make sure that no attributes are being shadowed.

This HTML will create the following object as the argument:

<a href="" HREF="" onclick="alert('hi')"></a>
  {"href", ""},
  {"HREF", ""},
  {"onclick", "alert('hi')"},
  href = "",
  onclick = "alert('hi')",


Similar to above, see css_whitelist.moon

Customizing The Sanitizer

In addition to the whitelist option shown above, the sanitizer has the following options:

  • strip_tags - boolean Remove unknown tags from output entirely, instead of escapting them as text default: false
  • strip_comments - boolean Remove comments from output instead of escaping them, default: false
local Sanitizer = require("web_sanitize.html").Sanitizer
local sanitize_html = Sanitizer({strip_tags = true})

sanitize_html([[<body>Hello <strong>world</strong></body>]]) --> Hello <strong>world</strong>

HTML Parser

The HTML parser lets you extract data from, and manipulate HTML using a minimal Document Object Model and query selector syntax. It attempts to follow the HTML spec as best it can.

The scanner provies a lower level interface that lets you iterate through each node in an HTML document using a callback. For each node parsed in the HTML document a callback is called with an object representing the structure of the document at the current location. This node supports mutating the document when using the replace_html function.

local scanner = require("web_sanitize.query.scan_html")

Here are a few things to be aware of when using the scanner:

  • The scanner performs a depth first scan: the callback is issued on a node after the closing tag for that node has been parsed.
  • Any markup in raw text elements like script, style, title is ignored (unless it's the appropriate closing tag)
  • Any markup inside HTML comments or CDATA sections is ignored
  • Unclosed tags are considered dangling tags and will be processed after the parser reaches the end of the input (With the exception of void tags (eg. img, hr) which are always automatically closed regardless of if self closing (<a/>) syntax is used.)
  • Attributes automatically have their values HTML entities decoded (eg. &amp; becomes &)
  • All edits are performed after the scan has taken place, not during the scan. If you alter the content of a node's inner or outer html then scanner will not see these changes in the current iteration. Additionally, making edits to a parent node's content will shadow any edits you've made to child nodes. You can work around these limitations by doing multi-pass replacements.
  • Text nodes (when enabled) will treat CDATA tags as separate text nodes. Get the content with inner_html method. (outer_html will return the CDATA tag)

The scanner exposes two primitive object types: NodeStack and HTMLNode

NodeStack has the following methods and properties:

  • stack[n] - get the nth item in the stack (as an HTMLNode)
  • stack:current() - return the HTMLNode on top of the stack
  • stack:is(query) - return true if the stack matches the query selector

HTMLNode has the following methods and properties:

  • node.tag - the name of the tag (eg. "div", "span"). Will be "" for text nodes, and "cdata" for CDATA text nodes
  • node.type - set to "text_node" for text nodes, nil otherwise
  • node.num - integer representing what nth child position this node is (NOTE: this number changes depending on if text nodes are enabled or not)
  • node.self_closing - true if the tag uses self closing syntax (<a />), nil otherwise
  • node.attr - A table of attributes if the tag has attributes, nil otherwise. See attribute table format below
  • node:outer_html() - get HTML fragment as string of the entire tag, including the opening and closing tag
  • node:inner_html() - get HTML fragment as string of the content of the tag, excludes opening and closing tag
  • node:inner_text() - get a string of the textual content inside the tag (effectively extract_text(inner_html), using extract_text function described above)
  • node:replace_outer_html(html_text) (replace_html only) - Replaces the entire tag with HTML fragment html_text
  • node:replace_inner_html(html_text) (replace_html only) - Replaces the inside of the tag with HTML fragment html_text
  • node:replace_attributes(tbl) (replace_html only) - Replaces all attributes on the tag with the table of attributes
  • node:update_attributes(tbl) (replace_html only) - Merges a table of attributes with the current attributes, overwriting any of the existing ones (including duplicates) with the ones provided

The node attributes are stored in a table with both array and hash table elements. The hash table elements have their keys normalized to lowercase and only hold the most recent value.

-- <div first="value" first="&quot;hey&quot;" Hello=world readonly></div>
node.attr = {
  { "first", "value"},
  { "first", '"hey"'},
  { "Hello", "world"},
  { "readonly" },

  first = '"hey"',
  hello = "world",
  readonly = true

When updating or replacing attributes, the same table syntax is used as the argument, but it will write duplicates if you have a single attribute repeated in both the table and array format.

scan_html(html_text, callback, opts)

Scans over all nodes in the html_text, calling the callback function for each node found. The callback receives one argument, an instance of a NodeStack. A node stack is a Lua table holding an array of all the nodes in the stack, with the top most node being the current one.

Each node in the node stack is an instance of HTMLNode. In scan_html the node is read-only, and can be used to get the properties and content of the node (eg. inner_html, inner_text, outer_html).

Here's how you might get the href and text of every a element in in an HTML string:

local scanner = require("web_sanitize.query.scan_html")

local my_html = [[
  <li><a href="">My homepage</a>
  <li><a href="">My GitHub</a>

<p>Also, don't forget to check out <a href=""></a>.</p>

local urls = {}

scanner.scan_html(my_html, function(stack)
  if stack:is("a") then
    local node = stack:current()

    table.insert(urls, {
      url = node.attr.href,
      text = node:inner_text()

You can optionally enable text nodes to have the parser emit a node for each chunk of text. This includes text that is nested within a tag. Set text_nodes to true in an options table passed as the last argument.

You can get the content of the node by calling either inner_html or outer_html.

replace_html(html_text, callback, opts)

Works the same as scan_html, except each node in the stack is capable of being mutated using the replace_attributes, update_attributes, replace_inner_html, replace_outer_html methods.

Here's how you might convert all a tags that don't match a certain URL pattern to plain text:

scanner.replace_html(my_html, function(stack)
  if stack:is("a") then
    local node = stack:current()
    local url = node.attr.href or ""

    if not url:match("^https?://") then

Text nodes can also be manipulated by replace_html. You can enable text nodes by setting text_nodes to true in a options table passed as the last argument. The text node can be updated by either calling replace_outer_html or replace_inner_html.

For example, you might want to write a script that converts links to a tags, but not when they're already inside an a tag:

local my_html = [[
  text that should be a link:
  and a link that should be unchanged: <a href=""></a>

local formatted_html = replace_html(my_html, function(stack)
  local node = stack:current()
  if node.tag == "" and not stack:is("a *, a") then
    node:replace_outer_html(node:outer_html():gsub("(https?://[^ <\"']+)", "<a href=\"%1\">%1</a>"))
end, { text_nodes = true })



It should be pretty fast. It's powered by the wonderful library LPeg. There is only one string concatenation on each call to sanitize_html. 200kb of HTML can be sanitized in 0.01 seconds on my computer. This makes it unnecessary in most circumstances to sanitize ahead of time when rendering untrusted HTML.


Requires Busted and MoonScript.

make test


Jan 25 2021 - 1.1.0

  • Update text extractor
    • Add option for extracting as html or as plain text
    • Add option for removing non-printable characters
    • Add HTML entitiy translation when extracting as plain text
    • Whitespace trimming and normalization is utf8 whitespace aware
  • Minor updates to CSS default whitelist for border attributes

Jan 15 2020 - 1.0.0

  • Important — Added fix where specially crafted HTML could sanitize to HTML with an unclosed tag
  • Fixed whitespace preservation for text around self closing tags
  • Updated CSS whitelist
  • Added cache to parse_query for huge speedups when doing repeat matches

Sep 08 2017 - 0.6.1

  • Add support for callback to add_attributes for dynamically injecting an attribute into a tag

May 09 2016 - 0.5.0


  • Add clone method to whitelist
  • Add Sanitizer constructor, with whitelist and strip_tags options
  • Add Extractor constructor


  • replace_attributes works correctly with boolean attributes, eg. {allowfullscreen = true}
  • replace_attributes works correctly with void tags
  • replace_attributes only manipulates text of opening tag, not entire tag, preventing any double edit bugs
  • attribute order is preserved when mutating attributes with replace_attributes
  • the attr object has array positional items with the names of the attributes in the order they were encountered

Dec 27 2015 - 0.4.0

  • Add query and scan implementations
  • Add html rewrite interface, attribute rewriter
  • Support Lua 5.2 and above (removed references to global unpack)

Note: all of these things are undocumented at the moment, sorry. Check the specs for examples

Feb 1 2015 - 0.3.0

  • Add sanitize_css
  • Let attribute values be overwritten from whitelist
  • extract_text collapses extra whitespace

Oct 6 2014 - 0.2.0

  • Add extract_text function
  • Correctly parse protocol relative URLS in href/src attributes
  • Correctly parse attributes that have no value

April 16 2014 - 0.0.1

  • Initial release


Author: Leaf Corcoran (leafo) (@moonscript) License: MIT Copyright (c) 2020 Leaf Corcoran Email: Homepage: