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Releases: lance-waller-lab/gateR


23 Jan 14:39
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  • Fixed bug in calculation of False Discovery Rate in internal pval_correct() function
  • Argument plot_cols correctly renamed cols in lrr_plot() function
  • Fixed 'Moved Permanently' content by replacing the old URL with the new URL


01 Feb 23:40
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  • Migrated R-spatial dependency
  • Replaced raster in Imports with terra because of imminent package retirement
  • Updated documentation throughout
  • Added GitHub R-CMD-check
  • Updated citation style for CITATION file


01 Dec 17:04
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  • Updated maintainer contact information


29 Aug 15:39
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  • Updated package URL and BugReports to renamed GitHub account "lance-waller-lab" (previously "Waller-SUSAN")
  • Replaced if() conditions comparing class() to string with inherits() in functions
  • tools is no longer Imports
  • utils is now Suggests because "zzz.R" calls the packageDescription() function
  • ncdfFlow, flowWorkspaceData are no longer Suggests (for generating random data set randCyto) because "Package suggested but not available for checking" in the some CRAN environments
  • Added CITATION file
  • Fixed typos in documentation throughout


08 Feb 16:53
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  • Updated dependencies spatstat.core and spatstat.linnet packages based on feedback from the Spatstat Team (Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak). All random generators in spatstat.core were moved to a new package spatstat.random
    • spatstat.geom, spatstat.core, spatstat.linnet, and spatstat (>=2.0-0) are no longer Depends
    • spatstat.geom is now Imports
  • dplyr, ncdfFlow, flowWorkspaceData, and usethis now Suggests (for generating random data set randCyto)
  • Fixed annotation typos in the vignette. Removed packages no longer used in the vignette


31 Aug 17:04
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  • Now rlang is in Depends.
  • Output for gating() now includes a diagnostic message saved as a character string for reference in a slot called note.
  • A diagnostic message can be viewed running rlang::last_error()$out$note after the unsuccessful run of gating().
  • Removed redundant @importFrom fields image.plot in 'package.R'
  • Added Zenodo DOI


16 Mar 03:22
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  • Updated spatstat package to new subsetted packages based on feedback from the Spatstat Team (Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak). Now spatstat.geom, spatstat.core, spatstat.linnet, and spatstat (>= 2.0-0) are in Depends
  • Fixed check for vars in dat within the gating() function


04 Feb 17:43
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  • Updated 'spatstat' package to new subsetted packages based on feedback from the Spatstat Team (Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak). 'spatstat.geom' package replaces 'spatstat' package in Imports
  • Added additional multiple testing corrections, including False Discovery Rate, spatially dependent Sidak correction, independent Sidak correction, and two corrections based on Random Field Theory (Adler and Hasofer or Friston)
  • The latter two corrections required a new argument bandw to be added to gating(), lotrrs(), and rrs() functions to allow users to specify bandwidth for the kernel density estimation
  • Updated the calculation of the spatial correlogram in internal pval_correct() function from the correlog() function in the 'pgrimess' package to the modified.ttest() function in the 'SpatialPack' package
  • Imports 'lifecycle' package to document deprecated arguments doplot and verbose in lotrrs(), rrs(), and gating() functions
  • In gating() function, creates a categorized 'im' based on critical p-value, assigns that value to every point in a 'ppp' object, and subsets points by category
  • Removed 'maptools' and 'sp' packages from Imports
  • Updated links in 'gateR-package.Rd' for package updates


07 Jan 17:29
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  • Added arguments 'save_gate', 'name_gate', and 'path_gate' in lotrrs(), rrs(), and gating() to save plots as PNG files as output
  • Renamed 'doplot' argument as 'plot_gate' for consistency with new plotting arguments
  • Added a stop (and return no results) if no significant clusters detected during first gate
  • Removed 'verbose' argument in gating(), rrs(), and lotrrs()
  • Added try() error catches in rrs() and lotrrs() for 'c1n' and 'c2n' arguments
  • Changed the 'right' argument in cut() in pval_plot() to "TRUE" (the default)
  • Removed fullstop in error messages
  • Added a make.names() check for vars and colnames(dat) in gating()
  • Updated URLs in gateR-package.Rd


30 Nov 18:33
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  • Added documentation to lotrrs(), rrs(), and gating() about the levels of condition(s)
  • Fixed bug in lotrrs() that was mislabeling numerator and denominator levels of second condition
  • Added parameters 'c1n' and 'c2n' in lotrrs(), rrs(), and gating() to specify the numerator level