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This repository contains source code written for LAMMPS from various sources that is not part of the LAMMPS distribution for a number of reasons, but ported to be compatible with the 2 August 2023 LAMMPS release and converted to create plugins.

Folders Origin of source code

As of the 17 April 2024 LAMMPS release the USER-REBOMOS package code has been merged with upstream and the corresponding pair style is now part of the MANYBODY package. The plugin package has thus been removed.

As of the 22 December 2022 LAMMPS release, the USER-VCSGC package code has been merged with upstream and the corresponding fix is now available in the MC package. The plugin package has thus been removed.

To compile and configure all plugins

cmake -S . -B build -DLAMMPS_SOURCE_DIR=/path/to/lammps/src
cmake --build build

You can also perform the same commands inside the indivdual plugin folders to configure and build only those plugin.

Please see README files in the individual folders for additional information.

For more information on plugins please see:

WARNING: No attempt has been made by the LAMMPS developers to validate or document the source code made available here. All we have checked is that it can run the included example inputs without crashing.