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My practice space for python projects:

First Project: -> Retail_store_Calculator: I calculated a list of items with their prices and generated a receipt

Second Project: -> KYC(KnowYourCurrency): I created a currency converter which returns the entered price in various currencies available in created dictionary

Third Project: -> Water_Reminder: I created Notification or a Reminder maker to drink water after every one hour using TIME module and its libraries.

Fourth Project: -> CTC(ClearTheCluster): I created a Automated Organizer for our files that group them into respective folder as per their type.

Fifth Project: -> Extract_Text_from_PDF: I created the program which extracts from text from PDF file and creates a Text file of it.

Sixth Project: -> PC(PasswordConvertor): I created a password convertor that will return a more encrypted and secure version of your password

Seventh Project: -> ResumeShortlister: I created an keyword extracted from various files which helps in filtering the profile according to the user needs. The companies hiring candidates can use it to shortlist resume's based on profile.

Eight Project: -> CreateYourPassword: I created a program which takes dynamic output of length of password and returns the highly encrypted password.

Ninth Project: -> RockPaperScissors: The most famous and easy game played by two boring person, "Rock Paper Scissors". This project is easy and contains the main concept of If and Elif with Random function

Tenth Project: -> Calcii: My first python program using Tkinter, i have created a calculator which has functionalities like add, subtract, multiply, exponent, power, factorial and many more. It is a GUI based small Project

Eleventh Project: -> Image Extracter: I created a program that extracts the photo from from the first page of document and saves it in the format of jpeg. This project can be used to extract the image from the resume and save it in our storage.


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