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Installation is simple. You need to install:

You can install all of these with the commands:

# install torch first
git clone ~/torch --recursive
cd ~/torch; bash install-deps;

# install libraries
luarocks install cunn
luarocks install cudnn
luarocks install tds
luarocks install

Learning Resources


3D conv-nets C3D

Data Setup

THUMOS'15 dataset can be downloaded from THUMOS


To start training, just do:

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 th main.lua

where you replace the number after CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES with the GPU you want to run on. You can find which GPU to use with $ nvidia-smi on our GPU cluster. Note: this number is 0-indexed, unlike the rest of Torch!

During training, it will dump snapshots to the checkpoints/ directory every epoch. Each time you start a new experiment, you should change the name (in opt), to avoid overwriting previous experiments.


To evaluate your model, you can use the eval.lua script. It mostly follows the same format as main.lua. It reads your validation/testing dataset from a file similar to before, and sequentially runs through it, calculating both the top-1 and top-5 accuracy.

Graphics, Logs

If you want to see graphics and the loss over time, in a different shell on the same machine, run this command:

$ th -ldisplay.start 8000

then navigate to http://HOST:8000 in your browser. Every 10th iteration it will push graphs.