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Example SpringBoot app tutorial to deploy to Kubernetes cluster using kind.

Tutorial to build & run java app locally ---> containerize the image and push to JFrog Artifactory --> create identity key on JFrog --> Install and start kind cluster ---> create a namespace --> create artifactory secret in kubernetes --> create a deployment ---> check pods


  • java 18.0
  • maven
  • docker
  • kind
  • jfrog artifactory account
  • kubectl


  1. clone Repo

  2. cd into the directory

  3. build SpringBoot maven app using following command

      ./mvnw clean package
  4. run the app locally to test if its working

      ./mvnw SpringBoot:run
  5. create a Docker image of the app locally using the Dockerfile

      docker build -t spring-boot-app:latest .
  6. check if image was created

      docker images     
  7. run the image locally and test if it works

      docker run --publish 8080:8080 spring-boot-app
  8. tag the image

      docker build -t swagger-java-app:latest .
  9. push the image to your private artifactory

      docker push <YOUR_HOST>
  10. run the kind cluster locally

     kind create cluster
  11. create a namespace

     kubectl apply -f resources/namespace.yaml
  12. create a secret of artifactory

     kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<YOUR_HOST> --docker-username=<USER_NAME> --docker-password=<IDENTITY_TOKEN> --docker-email=<EMAIL_ADDRESS>
  13. patch default service account

     kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regcred"}]}'
  14. create deployment

     kubectl apply -f resources/deployment.yaml
  15. check status

     kubectl get deployments 
     kubectl get pods