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Hi 👋 My name is Brodie and I'm a Software Developer
I've been coding since my sophomore year of high school and have done the most in Web Development. I am interested in just about everything tech and am trying to learn as much as I can.
✉️  You can contact me at
🧠  I'm learning Ruby, Godot, and a bit of Machine Learning and Electronics on the side.
🚀  I'm currently working on building a Robodog and making a platformer in Godot
🤝  I'm open to collaborating on Websites/Web apps and Python projects of any kind. I will honestly do any projects though if you are willing to teach or give me time to learn.
⚡  I may have an addiction to technology


PythonLaravelTailwindCSSVS CodeJavaJavaScriptHTML5CSS3PHPRubyArduinoC++MySQLBlenderRaspberry PiGNU BashDockerGitFlask

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