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@kimsama kimsama released this 10 Aug 03:29
· 124 commits to master since this release

Most changes on v.0.9.8 are for google-spreadsheet contains various bug fixes and ux improvement.

  • Fixed the issue #16 - support array type cell of google spreadsheet.
  • Fixed the issue #17 - Fixed to correctly get oauth2 information from the given json authentication file.
  • Added toggle control which specifies use of oauth2 json file.
  • Added doc which describes OAuth2 setting on Google APIs page.
  • Modified DatabaseClient.GetDatabase to pass error message by reference if it meets any of one when it is trying to access the given spreadsheet. _Important:_ It needs to regenerate editor script files.
  • Modified to put log after finishing script file generation.
  • Fixed the issue #19. Fixed updating on google machine setting file correctly update changes of the google spreadsheet(to correctly retrieve changed header columns).