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Swapnoneel Saha edited this page May 26, 2024 · 4 revisions

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Welcome to the Keploy wiki!!

What is Keploy?

🧑‍🏫 Keploy is a 100% open source platform that contributes towards making E2E testing easy for developers by eliminating the need for writing test-cases and data mocks. It record test cases by capturing all network calls for an API request and replaying them later during testing. Mocks are automatically generated with the actual request/responses.

Languages Supported

🤝 Keploy currently supports and works well with the following languages:
Rust Go C# Java NodeJS Python

Try Keploy!!

Excited to know how keploy works? Try the sample applications made just for you to try and explore how Keploy works, choose your favorite language and the respective framework, and you're good to go!!
👉 Visit them to try out the following integrations:
Keploy x Golang Keploy x Java Keploy x Typescript Keploy x Javascript Keploy x Python

Want to learn more about Keploy?

🫰 Give a shot to our Documentation.

Tried Keploy and have doubts or faced problems?

🫶 Join the community and ask for help or share your experience.