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I'll explain how to set up the popular v2ray platform to bypass almost any GFW like a knife through butter. If you like the project and found it helpful, please star the project and share it with others!

Note The following instructions require some technical background on Linux, Docker, Certificates, and some concepts about networking and VPNs in general. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an Issue or a Pull request.

Table of Contents

πŸ’« First things first

  1. You need a domain! You can purchase one from parspack, parshost, pulseheberg (recommended) or from NameCheap if you have GitHub Student Pack. Just don't go with .ir for your own sake!!!
  2. Buy a VPS Server with minimum hardware requirements and nothing too fancy. Make sure the server is located outside our beloved country 😘
  3. Create a Cloudflare account and register your domain. It can take up to 24 hours to fully settle in, so be patient.
  4. Once done, map a subdomain to your server IPv4 (Leave proxied unchecked!). This can take a few minutes to take effect. Check availability with dnschecker.

Note There is no need to set any NS records if you just want a vanilla VPN, but we will need them later on when working with Cloudflare workers.

πŸͺ– (Optional) Hold on to your Firewalls!

I always enjoy the extra security on my servers. If you enjoy it too, run scripts/ to configure a minimal Firewall with default policies (allows ports 22, 80, 443, and 54321 for X-UI dashboard).

Warning With the firewall enabled, you must allow each X-UI inbound port in the firewall after you create it, or you won't be able to connect!

🐳 Run it with Docker!

Docker is the perfect wrapper for VPNs since it's clean and easy to set up stuff with. Install Docker by running the scripts/ script.

Note The script will install Docker Engine, docker-compose and add them to sudo group.

πŸš€ Let the dashboard, Begin!

  1. There is a file called .env.template which contains placeholders for variables that you must change to your liking. Afterward, rename the file to .env.
  2. Make sure nothing is blocking ports 80 and 443 (like NGINX) until the end of this section. If there is any process using it at the time, stop it temporarily.
  3. Run the script which generates a free SSL certificate using CertBot and deploys the X-UI container.
  4. All done! Access your dashboard via <SERVER-IP>:<DASHBOARD-PORT> where the default dashboard port is 54321.

Warning SSL certificate generation will fail if the DOMAIN in .env does not match the one setup in Cloudflare!

Warning The default username and password for the dashboard are "admin". Change them immediately and thank me later!

πŸ—οΈ SSL is everywhere

You can access your dashboard via <SERVER-IP>:<DASHBOARD-PORT> or connect to your inbounds without any TLS encryption, but that leaves you exposed! To enable SSL on your dashboard:

  1. On your Cloudflare account, set the SSL/TLS level to strict or beyond.
  2. Navigate to Panel Settings and change the following fields (replace DOMAIN with your own):
    • Panel certificate.crt file path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem
    • Panel private.key file path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{DOMAIN}/privkey.pem

From now on, always access your dashboard via <DOMAIN>:<DASHBOARD-PORT> which is secure! Good for you.

πŸ“¬ Your First Inbound

Inbounds are for different configurations and protocols, not for every user. You can make an infinite number of users on a single Inbound. Now create an Inbound with the following configurations:

  • Protocol: Trojan
  • Disable insecure encryption: True
  • Transmission: TCP
  • TLS: True
  • certificate.crt file path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem
  • private.key file path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{DOMAIN}/privkey.pem
  • Sniffing: True

If your certificates are generated correctly, the configurations above will connect on most ISPs. However, keep in mind a few things:

  • Stick with XTLS rather than TLS if at all possible.
  • Always add Certificate.crt and Private.key paths for each inbound and enable TLS, otherwise you are walking naked on the Internet! I mean it...
  • Enable Sniffing if available.
  • Always enable Disable insecure connections.

Note You can twist and change the configuration to see what works best for you.

πŸ‘» IPv6 is here!

Enabling IPv6 will help connect to some ISPs. For that, you need an IPv6 first which you can get from your server provider.

  2. Set your servers PUBLIC_IPV6_ADDRESS with AAA record into Cloudflare and point it to your DOMAIN.
  3. Modify /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml like the example below:
    version: 2
            - PUBLIC_IPV4_ADDRESS/20
            - PUBLIC_IPV6_ADDRESS/64
                macaddress: <HIDDEN>
            mtu: 1500
                - <HIDDEN>
                - <HIDDEN>
                - IPV6_NAMESERVERS_1
                - IPV6_NAMESERVERS_2
                search: []
            -   to:
                via: PUBLIC_IPV4_GATEWAY
            -   to: PUBLIC_IPV6_GATEWAY
                scope: link
            set-name: eth0

Note Some parts have been hidden for my security, leave them to your defaults.

Warning Don't choose IPv6 as your first/default/primary route, as many ISPs don't yet support it entirely!

❄️ (Optional) Tunneling

Tunneling is a nice way to bypass most GFWs on most ISPs. The idea is to not directly connect to your "upstream server" anymore, but to connect to an intermediate server (within your own country and inside a big known data center) that we call a "bridge server" that acts as a tunnel for your traffic. Curious why this method works? Learn more in the Q&A. However, there are some things worth mentioning:

  • πŸ’΅ This method is costly, because you now have two servers to pay for!
  • πŸš€ Your speed fairly improves, but might become volatile at times.
  • β›” This method is advanced, risky, and tricky. Approach it only if you know what you are doing!

That being said:

  1. Buy a server within the country and inside a known data center, and repeat the entire process of bringing up X-UI on your new server. (Use a new <DOMAIN>)
  2. Create an inbound on your upstream server (Websocket for stable connection) with TLS enabled as always.
  3. Replace the configurations from v2ray/bridge-server.json with the existing XRAY Configuration on your X-UI dashboard settings (Change specific parts according to your upstream inbound).

πŸš… Faster TCPs

Google's upgraded congestion control algorithms will slightly improve your TCP connection speed. To apply it to your system, run the scripts/ script.

🧱 Take Cover behind CDN

Your VPN works fine 🍻 and you are happy πŸ˜ƒ. However, your server IP is still exposed, and -let me guess- your VPN doesn't work on some ISPs. If you are unlucky enough, your IP will be blocked on other ISPs in a matter of weeks. This is where CDN comes into play and hides your real IP with a Cloudflare IP. Why don't GFWs block the Cloudflare itself? Learn more in Q&A.

Make sure your VPN does indeed work before following the next procedure:

  1. On Cloudflare, turn on Strict SSL/TLS.
  2. Create a new Inbound with the following configurations:
    • Protocol: vmess or vless
    • Port: 443
    • Transmission: ws (TCP and UDP transmission methods no longer with CDN)
    • TLS: True (Add certificates)
  3. On Cloudflare, turn on proxied for both IPv4 and IPv6.
  4. Ping your <DOMAIN> and see if the IP changes. This can take a few minutes to settle in.

βš’οΈ Goodby CDN, Hello CFW

CDNs are great, they really are, but CFW (aka. Cloudflare Workers) are newer and more scalable Cloudflare's solution to replace CDNs.

  1. Create a worker from here.
  2. Copy and modify the script cfw.js to your worker. Deploy it.
  3. Optionally, to hide your worker address, connect your Worker to a custom domain. (Can take a few hours to take effect)
  4. Modify your client config by replacing the address, SNI, and request host, with your worker address and your port to 443. (If you have a custom domain from Step 3, use it instead of the worker address)

Note Cloudflare supports more ports (80, 443, 2052, 2053, 2082, 2083, 2086, 2087, 2095, 2096, 8080, 8443, 8880) that you can use to forward your traffic to X-UI (remember could only use 443 for CDN).

❓ Q&A

What does GFW do behind the scenes?

They do Packet Drop.

Why does Tunneling work?

Two simple reasons. First, GFWs are more interested in the traffic heading outside the country. By tunneling, your traffic moves internally half the way. Second, Data Centers are off-limit for GFWs, because there are hundreds or thousands of servers running in them that belong to big-ass companies! They wouldn't want to mess with that, huh? If your server is within the same data center as those companies, you get the VIP luxury of high speed and no GFW 🚬😎

Why don't GFWs block Cloudflare?

Almost all companies are using Cloudflare now. Blocking you will block them as well! However, this doesn't mean not messing around with Cloudflare traffic.

πŸŽ—οΈ Benchmarks

I'm too old for this shit.

πŸ—’οΈ Final Notes

Direct Routing

Some .ir websites may not function properly when passed through a VPN. To directly route all .ir routes, go to program -> preferences -> Routing Settings -> Custom and add the following rule:

    "rules": [
            "domain": [
            "outboundTag": "direct",
            "type": "field"

🀝 Issues and Contributions

Feel free to ask questions via issue or add your creative ideas by opening a pull request.

πŸ“– Credits

  • BBR Script - The script that makes TCP go kaboom
  • X-UI Image - The English version of the X-UI Image

🍩 Donate

Support me on developing this repository.

Bitcoin (BTC): bc1qu43fhlqmy7attcwjlhdt6nthe3ulylx7kvmh7r


Want to bypass Iran's GFW censorship? You are in the right place! πŸ‘» V2ray VPN with X-UI dashboard, and Cloudflare's CDN, CFW and Self-Signed SSL







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